raysan5 / rres
A simple and easy-to-use file-format to package resources
☆403Updated this week
Alternatives and similar repositories for rres:
Users that are interested in rres are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- A simple and easy-to-use audio library based on miniaudio☆177Updated 2 months ago
- Nuklear immediate mode GUI for raylib☆155Updated 3 weeks ago
- Single-header, cross-platform libraries for game development☆288Updated 3 weeks ago
- A Raylib integration with DearImGui☆305Updated last month
- A simple and easy-to-use library to load/save png images and manage png chunks☆176Updated last month
- single header C(99) library to implement client-server network code for games☆460Updated last month
- Minimal modern efficient cross platform 2D graphics painter in C☆459Updated last week
- The *cutest* framework out there for creating 2D games in C++!☆547Updated 3 weeks ago
- 2D physics header-only library for videogames developed in C using raylib library.☆473Updated last month
- 2D renderer written in C utilizing Vulkan☆206Updated 3 weeks ago
- A simple and easy-to-use raygui layouts editor☆104Updated this week
- Retired version 3 repository☆416Updated 3 months ago
- A lightweight 2D physics engine written in C, for educational purposes.☆219Updated 2 weeks ago
- Utilities and common code for use with raylib☆111Updated 11 months ago
- A minimal project template for raylib using CMake that works well in CLion & Visual Studio.☆152Updated 6 months ago
- C99 Game Library. XNA-like. Platform Independent. Allocator Aware.☆334Updated last year
- A simple and easy-to-use config init files reader and writer☆64Updated last month
- Shader compiler and tools for SDLSL (Simple Directmedia Layer Shader Language)☆154Updated 3 months ago
- A starter project for graphics applications using SDL, bgfx and Dear ImGui☆317Updated last year
- 💎 3D game framework in C, v1.☆499Updated last week
- premake system for use in making raylib game projects☆193Updated 3 weeks ago
- A cross platform lightweight single-header simple-to-use window abstraction library for creating graphical programs or libraries.☆768Updated this week
- TIGR - the TIny GRaphics library for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS and Android.☆775Updated last year
- A C++11 loader for levels and tile maps created with LDtk (Level Designer ToolKit)☆105Updated this week
- An Immediate UI library for C, designed to be easy to use & customizable☆179Updated 2 years ago
- A portable, flexible file i/o abstraction.☆565Updated 2 months ago
- A simple-to-use modular, cross-platform graphics library. It combines the freedom of lower-level graphics libraries with modern C techniq…☆120Updated this week
- Command line tools for use with sokol headers☆239Updated last week