square / phrase
Phrase is an Android string resource templating library
☆1,404Updated last year
Alternatives and similar repositories for phrase:
Users that are interested in phrase are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- Reactive SharedPreferences for Android☆1,538Updated last year
- Annotation Processor for setting arguments in android fragments☆1,076Updated 11 months ago
- Examples of RecyclerView use and custom LayoutManager implementations☆1,245Updated last year
- Android Library for Logging RxJava Observables and Subscribers.☆1,474Updated 6 years ago
- ProGuard rules for RxJava shipped as AAR!☆719Updated 4 years ago
- A couple of sticky header decorations for android's recycler view.☆878Updated 9 months ago
- Android Parcelable models made easy☆1,372Updated 7 years ago
- Renderers is an Android library created to avoid all the boilerplate needed to use a RecyclerView/ListView with adapters.☆1,200Updated 3 years ago
- A support library for VectorDrawable and AnimatedVectorDrawable classes introduced in Lollipop☆1,226Updated 8 years ago
- A simple tool to allow easy bug report capturing within your app.☆1,175Updated last week
- A simple library that makes it easy to pair thin views with dedicated controllers, isolated from most of the vagaries of the Activity lif…☆2,156Updated last year
- Performance metrics library for Android development (includes dagger2metrics)☆1,539Updated 5 years ago
- A full example of custom fonts in XML using data binding and including font caching.☆770Updated 7 years ago
- A OkHttp 3 downloader implementation for Picasso 2.☆658Updated 3 years ago
- A sample Android application that demonstrates how to implement various visual effects.☆1,462Updated 7 years ago
- Android implementation of FlowLayout. Layout arranges its children in multiple rows depending on their width.☆751Updated 3 years ago
- A Fast Scroller for the RecyclerView world!☆1,131Updated 4 years ago
- Android's animated fingerprint icon provided in a simple, standalone library.☆755Updated 3 years ago
- A custom view styling library for Android that generates the obtainStyledAttributes() and TypedArray boilerplate code for you.☆707Updated 4 years ago
- Backport of Material dialogs with easy-to-use API based on DialogFragment☆2,148Updated 5 years ago
- An RxJava 2 CallAdapter.Factory implementation for Retrofit 2.☆807Updated 7 years ago
- An adapter which could be used to achieve a parallax effect on RecyclerView.☆1,611Updated 2 years ago
- The MultiViewPager is an extension of the support-v4 library's ViewPager that allows the pages to be wider or narrower than the ViewPager…☆906Updated 8 years ago
- Android library for viewing, editing and sharing in app databases.☆953Updated 6 months ago
- This sample app accompanies a series of blog posts I wrote on transitions in Android☆541Updated 6 years ago
- ArcAnimator helps to create arc transition animation: 2.3.+☆1,215Updated 3 years ago
- Extras binding and intent builders for Android apps.☆1,186Updated 4 years ago
- Context sensitive notifications for Android☆3,009Updated 9 years ago
- A CoordinatorLayout behavior which mimics the functionality of DrawerLayout.☆889Updated 7 years ago
- Android Debug Drawer for faster development☆1,200Updated 2 years ago