pilwon / ultimate-seed
{MEAN Stack on Steroids} The ultimate full-stack AngularJS + Node.js/Express seed (batteries included!) that makes web developers insanely productive. (Angular, AngularUI, Barbeque, Bootstrap, Bower, Browserify, Docker, Express, Font Awesome, Grunt, Handlebars, jQuery, JSHint, Karma/Mocha, LESS/LESSHat, Livereload, Lodash/Underscore, Modernizr, …
☆852Updated 8 years ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for ultimate-seed:
Users that are interested in ultimate-seed are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- An example of what the angular-fullstack generator can scaffold.☆271Updated 10 years ago
- A great starting point for writing AngularJS apps backed by a Socket.io-powered node.js server.☆765Updated 5 years ago
- AngularJS + Express application that demonstrates: Authentication with Passport, CRUD interface for creating posts with mongoDB, server a…☆241Updated 9 years ago
- 'Boilerplate' for AngularJS + Sails.js☆306Updated 8 years ago
- MEAN.JS Official Yeoman Generator☆472Updated last month
- A great starting point for writing AngularJS apps backed by an Express-powered node.js server.☆1,507Updated 3 years ago
- An angular module for using the sails socket.io api☆307Updated 8 years ago
- A light weight CMS built with Angular 1.x and Yeoman. This is just a shell and a possibility of being broken☆335Updated 6 years ago
- Example AngularJS app using an Express + Node.js backend.☆600Updated 7 years ago
- angular-kickstart - speed up your AngularJS development and testing with a great gulpjs build system.☆552Updated 6 years ago
- User Management for AngularJS (1.x) applications☆165Updated 7 years ago
- A suite of examples written for Sails.js, AngularJS, and Twitter Bootstrap☆320Updated 8 years ago
- Client, server or fullstack - it's up to you. ng-fullstack gives you the best of the latest.☆703Updated 5 months ago
- Stand-alone project showing how to make a robust angular application serving access permissions from Server☆521Updated 9 years ago
- Token-based authentication in AngularJS☆362Updated 9 years ago
- KOAN (Koa, Angular, Node, Mongo) starter kit for full-stack JavaScript web development.☆821Updated 4 years ago
- Demo for ngEurope's talk☆214Updated 8 years ago
- Simple Instant Messaging app using AngularJS + Socket.IO☆393Updated 4 years ago
- One way to implement authentication/authorization in Angular applications☆1,625Updated 10 years ago
- Yet another yeoman generator for scaffolding a simple Node.js/Express/MongoDB/Angular.js app using some material design elements.☆177Updated 7 years ago
- A storage library for AngularJS done right☆642Updated 2 years ago
- Seed project for AngularFire apps☆409Updated 6 years ago
- ☆1,025Updated 9 years ago
- ☆1,050Updated 5 years ago
- Yeoman generator for Enterprise Angular projects.☆592Updated 7 years ago
- Example of S3 file upload using ng-file-upload, angular, nodejs☆135Updated 9 years ago