DaftMonk / fullstack-demo
An example of what the angular-fullstack generator can scaffold.
☆271Updated 10 years ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for fullstack-demo:
Users that are interested in fullstack-demo are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- Token-based authentication in AngularJS☆362Updated 9 years ago
- Example/seed project for AngularJS with Browserify☆209Updated 6 years ago
- Example of scalable architecture for my NG-Conf 2014 talk☆284Updated 6 years ago
- A testing repository for AngularJS☆263Updated 8 years ago
- A great starting point for writing AngularJS apps backed by a Socket.io-powered node.js server.☆765Updated 5 years ago
- Demo for ngEurope's talk☆214Updated 8 years ago
- Stand-alone project showing how to make a robust angular application serving access permissions from Server☆521Updated 9 years ago
- User Management for AngularJS (1.x) applications☆165Updated 7 years ago
- Webpack + Angular + LumX tutorial code☆124Updated 8 years ago
- An angular module for using the sails socket.io api☆307Updated 8 years ago
- ☆1,025Updated 9 years ago
- A sample project on how to build Angular 1 apps with ES6 support.☆117Updated 8 years ago
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- Tutorial + exercises on setting up an ES6 environment with Gulp, Webpack and Babel by @AngularClass☆94Updated 7 years ago
- Token Based Authentication Frontend Project Written in AngularJS☆156Updated 9 years ago
- Client-side (implicit grant) OAuth 2.0 authorization flow for AngularJS.☆294Updated 9 years ago
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- MEAN.JS Official Yeoman Generator☆472Updated last month
- A light weight CMS built with Angular 1.x and Yeoman. This is just a shell and a possibility of being broken☆335Updated 6 years ago
- An AngularJS lightbox built using UI Bootstrap Modal.☆306Updated 4 years ago
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