eclipse-threadx / threadx
Eclipse ThreadX is an advanced real-time operating system (RTOS) designed specifically for deeply embedded applications.
☆2,975Updated 3 months ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for threadx:
Users that are interested in threadx are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- FreeRTOS kernel files only, submoduled into and various other repos.☆2,874Updated 2 weeks ago
- 'Classic' FreeRTOS distribution. Started as Git clone of FreeRTOS SourceForge SVN repo. Submodules the kernel.☆5,444Updated this week
- µC/OS-III is a preemptive, highly portable, and scalable real-time kernel. Designed for ease of use on a huge number of CPU architectures…☆920Updated 7 months ago
- Apache NuttX is a mature, real-time embedded operating system (RTOS)☆2,962Updated this week
- Secure boot for 32-bit Microcontrollers!☆1,361Updated this week
- µC/OS-II is a preemptive, highly portable, and scalable real-time kernels. Designed for ease of use on a huge number of CPU architectures…☆576Updated last year
- Advanced fault backtrace library for ARM Cortex-M series MCU | ARM Cortex-M 系列 MCU 错误追踪库☆1,720Updated 3 months ago
- QP/C Real-Time Embedded Framework/RTOS is a lightweight implementation of the Active Object (Actor) model of computation for real-time em…☆1,004Updated this week
- A little fail-safe filesystem designed for microcontrollers☆5,278Updated this week
- Lightweight IoT device information storage solution: KV/IAP/LOG. | 轻量级物联网设备信息存储方案:参数存储、在线升级及日志存储 ,全新一代版本请移步至…☆2,057Updated last year
- An ultra-lightweight database that supports key-value and time series data | 一款支持 KV 数据和时序数据的超轻量级数据库☆1,948Updated last month
- ☆2,353Updated 4 months ago
- Lightweight generic ring buffer manager library☆919Updated last month
- Official OpenOCD Read-Only Mirror (no pull requests)☆1,735Updated 3 weeks ago
- An using JEDEC's SFDP standard serial (SPI) flash universal driver library | 一款使用 JEDEC SFDP 标准的串行 (SPI) Flash 通用驱动库☆1,333Updated 7 months ago
- CMSIS Version 5 Development Repository☆1,360Updated 3 months ago
- CherryUSB is a tiny, beautiful and portable USB host and device stack for embedded system with USB IP☆1,333Updated this week
- Primary Git Repository for the Zephyr Project. Zephyr is a new generation, scalable, optimized, secure RTOS for multiple hardware archite…☆11,072Updated this week
- letter shell☆1,276Updated 3 months ago
- Open source Python library for programming and debugging Arm Cortex-M microcontrollers☆1,139Updated last week
- lwIP mirror from☆1,079Updated 2 weeks ago
- An OS to build, deploy and securely manage billions of devices☆837Updated last week
- Embedded RPC☆787Updated 2 weeks ago
- FreeRTOS adaptation for CMSIS-RTOS Version 2☆542Updated 3 weeks ago
- Official read-only mirror of the SVN OpenBLT bootloader repository. Updated daily.☆682Updated this week
- Apache mynewt☆713Updated this week
- The main OpenAMP library implementing RPMSG, Virtio, and Remoteproc for RTOS etc☆733Updated last month
- RT-Thread is an open source IoT Real-Time Operating System (RTOS).☆10,648Updated this week
- Open source ARM Cortex-M microcontroller library☆3,136Updated 2 months ago
- Eclipse ThreadX GUIX Studio provides a complete, embedded graphical user interface (GUI) library and design environment, facilitating the…☆355Updated last week