ComposeGears / Valkyrie
SVG/XML to Compose ImageVector: IntelliJ IDEA / Android Studio plugin + build-in previewer without compilation, CLI tool
☆467Updated this week
Alternatives and similar repositories for Valkyrie:
Users that are interested in Valkyrie are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- Unstyled, fully accessible Compose Multiplatform UI components that you can customize to your heart's content.☆409Updated this week
- A simple Compose Multiplatform library designed to print the reason for recomposition in your console/Logcat window."☆931Updated 8 months ago
- 🌈 Type-safe navigation library for Jetpack Compose☆548Updated 10 months ago
- 🛜 Kotlin Multiplatform library for monitoring network connectivity☆351Updated this week
- Runtime permissions controls for mobile (android & ios) Kotlin Multiplatform development☆410Updated 2 months ago
- Compose Multiplatform library for rendering Lottie animations with own pure Kotlin renderer☆269Updated last month
- Odyssey it's a declarative multiplatform navigation library for Multiplatform Compose☆255Updated 6 months ago
- Material 3 Window Size Class for Compose Multiplatform☆363Updated 2 months ago
- Compose Image library for Kotlin Multiplatform.☆442Updated last week
- 🎨 A Compose multiplatform library for generating dynamic Material3 color schemes from a seed color☆535Updated this week
- Koala Plot is a Compose Multiplatform based charting and plotting library written in Kotlin☆446Updated this week
- Kotlin asynchronous media loading and caching library for Compose.☆658Updated 2 weeks ago
- Kotlin Compiler Plugins, an IDEA Plugin, and a Detekt Rule that will help to improve your experience with Jetpack Compose☆215Updated 2 weeks ago
- Simple Compose multiplatform navigation library☆204Updated this week
- A library that packages AndroidX Paging for Kotlin/Multiplatform.☆579Updated this week
- A KMP Template targeting Multiplatform Compose Android, IOS and Desktop. Get started with zero effort.☆247Updated last year
- Reveal effect (coach mark) for Compose Multiplatform targeting Android, iOS, Desktop and Web☆462Updated this week
- A utility (Gradle Plugin + CLI) to convert Jetpack Compose compiler metrics and reports to beautified HTML page.☆401Updated 2 weeks ago
- Converts SVG and Android Vector Drawable in Compose Multiplatform source code☆434Updated 3 months ago
- A simple shimmer library for Jetpack Compose.☆680Updated 3 months ago
- Lint rules for ktlint/detekt aimed to contribute to a healthier usage of Compose. Actively maintained and evolved fork of the Twitter Com…☆575Updated this week
- Pick and save Files, Medias and Folder for Kotlin Multiplatform / KMP and Compose Multiplatform / CMP☆645Updated this week
- Compose Multiplatform library to scope ViewModels to a Composable, surviving configuration changes and navigation☆442Updated last week
- Architecture Framework for Kotlin. Reuse every line of code. Build features in minutes. Analytics, metrics, debugging in 3 lines of code.…☆357Updated last week
- 🌎 The missing I18N/L10N (internationalization/localization) multiplatform library for Jetpack Compose!☆713Updated 5 months ago
- Delve into the rich collection of masterpieces.☆174Updated this week
- Navigation library based on UDF principles☆306Updated last month
- Compose Multiplatform Wizard☆457Updated 2 weeks ago
- Wizard for Kotlin Multiplatform☆275Updated 2 weeks ago
- Swipe gesture actions for Compose UI☆685Updated 7 months ago