zhanghai / PatternLock
Material Design Pattern Lock with auth flow implementation
☆687Updated 5 years ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for PatternLock:
Users that are interested in PatternLock are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- An Android image processor library providing a variety of image transformations for Fresco.☆895Updated 3 years ago
- MaterialLoadingProgressBar provide a styled ProgressBar which looks like SwipeRefreshLayout's loading indicator(support-v4 v21+)☆1,090Updated 4 years ago
- Simple tool which help you to implement activity and fragment transition for pre-Lollipop devices.☆1,294Updated 7 years ago
- A togglelayout that can be used in setting interface☆882Updated 6 years ago
- A wave view of android,can be used as progress bar.☆1,329Updated 3 years ago
- View that imitates Ripple Effect on click which was introduced in Android L (for Android 2.3+)☆1,152Updated 7 years ago
- Scroll + discover = DiscrollView☆1,449Updated 2 years ago
- EtsyBlur is an Android library that allows developers to easily add a glass-like blur effect implemented in the Etsy app.☆756Updated 4 years ago
- FragmentTransactionExtended is a library which provide us a set of custom animations between fragments.☆1,082Updated 8 years ago
- Sample to show how to implement blur graphical tricks☆1,961Updated 8 years ago
- Software keyboard open/close watcher for Android.☆845Updated 3 years ago
- An Android library introducing a stack of Views with the first item being flippable.☆809Updated 7 years ago
- SwipeBack for Android Activities to do pretty the same as the android "back-button" will do, but in a really intuitive way by using a swi…☆695Updated 2 years ago
- ☆1,386Updated 3 years ago
- effects for android notifications☆1,125Updated 4 years ago
- An android library to display a progressbar that goes around an image.☆1,282Updated 6 years ago
- Easily add loading, empty and error states in your app.☆1,014Updated 4 years ago
- Lollipop's Recents container☆495Updated 6 years ago
- DEPRECATED. Android library that integrate sticky section headers in your RecyclerView☆959Updated 8 years ago
- Android library to display progress like google does in some of his services.☆1,298Updated 5 years ago
- A Circular progress animated where you can put any view inside☆572Updated 8 years ago
- A small, easy to use android library for implementing flipping between views as seen in the popular Flipboard application☆923Updated 6 years ago
- ☆813Updated 7 years ago
- Swipe and drag support for RecyclerView with undo action.☆1,432Updated 8 years ago
- Android-StepsView☆1,367Updated last year
- Android library which allows you to swipe down from an activity to close it.☆1,274Updated 7 years ago
- Drag and drop GridView for Android☆924Updated 6 years ago
- A view that allows to paint and saves the result as a bitmap☆586Updated 7 years ago
- A Span-based library to make your text jump like Mexican beans. Oh, and the "..."s in Hangouts.☆1,112Updated 6 years ago
- A circle progress animation view on Android☆809Updated 8 years ago