wwwwelton / so_long
This is the first graphic project at 42, a very small 2D game.
☆8Updated 3 years ago
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- push_swap is a 42 school project where we must sort random numbers with a limited set of instructions, using the lowest possible number o…☆58Updated 2 weeks ago
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- 2D Game in C for 42 School☆8Updated 3 years ago
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- Small game developed with the miniLibX, the graphic library of the 42 school.☆52Updated 4 months ago
- This is the implementation code for a 3D wireframe viewer, using MinilibX and C.☆18Updated 2 years ago
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- 42 exam rank 06 based on the given main. This version is very solid because it allocates the memory. And it is not too hard to remember b…☆19Updated 2 years ago
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- Bash script to test the performance of your push_swap project☆36Updated 2 years ago
- Learn to use docker-compose☆62Updated last year
- This project will make you sort data on a stack, with a limited set of instructions, using the lowest possible number of actions. To succ…☆106Updated last year
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