wolfeidau / esp32-hid-joystick
☆94Updated 5 years ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for esp32-hid-joystick:
Users that are interested in esp32-hid-joystick are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- An Example of using a BLE Remote Controller with an ESP32☆95Updated last year
- ☆179Updated 4 years ago
- Adafruit_GFX-compatible library for GC9A01A display driver☆87Updated last year
- Bluetooth LE Keyboard library for the ESP32 (Arduino IDE compatible)☆109Updated 8 months ago
- An Arduino wrapper to @sdima1357's usb_soft_host esp-idf example☆296Updated last year
- Control your ESP32 projects with a PS3 controller!☆321Updated last year
- USB host to Arduino Interface with the Cheap CH559 uC☆238Updated 4 years ago
- Arduino Logic Analyzer API supporting the SUMP protocol (for sigrok, pulseview)☆108Updated last year
- Bluetooth LE Gamepad + Mouse + Keyboard library for the ESP32☆64Updated 3 weeks ago
- ESP32S2 native USB library. Implemented few common classes, like MIDI, CDC, HID or DFU (update).☆504Updated last year
- ESP32S2/S3 native USB library. Implemented few common classes, like MIDI, CDC, HID or DFU (update).☆121Updated 2 years ago
- Curved tracks and teardrops for EasyEDA☆69Updated last year
- Bluetooth based Air Mouse using ESP32 and MPU6050☆40Updated 4 years ago
- Library for using USB Host with ESP32☆84Updated last year
- A Quadrature and half quadrature PCNT peripheral driven encoder library supporting 8 encoders☆290Updated 3 months ago
- Bluetooth LE Mouse library for the ESP32 (Arduino IDE compatible)☆63Updated 2 years ago
- Display GIFs from Flash, SD or SPIFFS☆64Updated 4 years ago
- A simple ESP32 BLE HID gamepad☆39Updated 4 years ago
- TP4056 charger kicad schematics☆61Updated 2 years ago
- Bluetooth LE Keyboard library for the ESP32 (Arduino IDE compatible)☆27Updated 3 years ago
- ESP32 ScreenShotReceiver. Send jpegs from your Windows PC to the ESP32 receiver.☆131Updated last year
- TcMenu modular IoT menu library supporting rotary encoder, joysticks, many displays, and remote control over Ethernet and Serial☆112Updated last month
- ☆353Updated 3 years ago
- ESP32-compatible rotary encoder driver☆80Updated 5 years ago
- This is small and fast Arduino library for Rotary Encoder with interrupts.☆79Updated 3 years ago
- ESP32S2 Arduino USB host printer, MIDI, and keyboard demos☆125Updated 2 years ago
- A simple 1Msps single channel scope with the TFT display on the ESP32-TTGO.☆58Updated 2 years ago
- A support library for TFT_eSPI that adds commonly used extra functions☆84Updated 3 years ago
- A tool for viewing and setting the bluetooth address a sixaxis controller is currently paired with.☆91Updated 3 months ago
- A full featured Arduino display library for 1-bit per pixel OLED, LCD and e-paper displays☆199Updated 2 months ago