vibur / vibur-object-pool
Vibur Object Pool - general-purpose concurrent Java object pool
☆71Updated last week
Alternatives and similar repositories for vibur-object-pool:
Users that are interested in vibur-object-pool are comparing it to the libraries listed below
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- Mustache/handlebars templating engine in Java.☆82Updated last year
- ☆86Updated 6 years ago
- Java library to provide an API for beans and properties.☆144Updated this week
- Mirror of Apache Tamaya☆44Updated 5 years ago
- High-performance, zero-garbage, Java client/driver for InfluxDB.☆61Updated last year
- A Java application launcher and class loader which can load and run classes directly from Maven repositories and resolve dependencies at …☆98Updated 7 years ago
- ☆104Updated last month
- A multipart library that uses nio and asynchronous processing☆93Updated last year
- JUnit extensions to launch JMH benchmarks from your IDE during development☆81Updated 9 months ago
- Takari Maven Lifecycle☆66Updated 2 weeks ago
- maven plugin for making chmod +x jar files☆126Updated last year
- Simple Java and Groovy hot class reloader and Java based shell and scripting☆107Updated 8 years ago
- Reference Implementation☆96Updated last year
- Constretto is a versatile configuration toolkit for the JVM implemented in Java☆65Updated last year
- Fluent Object-Oriented Wrapper of JDBC☆104Updated this week
- Generates META-INF/services files automatically☆69Updated last year
- High-Availability Java Database Connectivity☆138Updated last year
- Configurable Java Annotation Processor to simplify the use of the Service Provider Interface.☆38Updated last year
- Crossing IO boundaries on the JVM with Reactive Streams☆78Updated 2 years ago
- Memory efficient java.util.Map implementation modelled after☆62Updated 10 months ago
- Convenient extension to the Java 8 Stream API that let you stream over Key-Value pairs☆34Updated 8 years ago
- Better / faster proxy generator than java.lang.reflect.Proxy for Java (require 1.7)☆69Updated 9 years ago
- Ultra-Light JDBC Persistance Layer☆132Updated 5 months ago
- An access log implementation to be used in vert web routes - inspired by apache / tomcat access log configuration☆29Updated 2 months ago
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- Yammer|Codahale|Dropwizard Metrics for SQL and JDBC☆26Updated 2 years ago
- Fork of jdbcdslog-exp, which includes more features☆36Updated last year
- Capsule Maven Plugin☆58Updated 4 years ago
- Jackson project that contains various collection-oriented datatype libraries: Eclipse Collections, Guava, HPPC, PCollections☆80Updated this week