tumblr / k8s-sidecar-injector
Kubernetes sidecar injection service
☆347Updated 2 years ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for k8s-sidecar-injector:
Users that are interested in k8s-sidecar-injector are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaler operator for Kubernetes. Annotate and let the HPA operator do the rest.☆238Updated 3 years ago
- Automatically cordon and drain Kubernetes nodes based on node conditions☆631Updated 8 months ago
- Reverse proxy to authenticate to managed Kubernetes API servers via OIDC.☆476Updated 4 months ago
- Go framework to create Kubernetes mutating and validating webhooks☆591Updated last month
- 🔑 Kubernetes Authentication & Authorization WebHook Server☆597Updated this week
- Cluster capacity analysis☆442Updated last month
- Monitor K8S Helm release, rollback on metrics behavior (Prometheus, Elasticsearch, Sentry)☆412Updated last year
- A generic framework for injecting sidecars and related configuration in Kubernetes using Mutating Webhook Admission Controllers☆203Updated 7 months ago
- An operator that manages Istio deployments on Kubernetes☆536Updated 10 months ago
- Kubernetes Cluster Proportional Autoscaler Container☆659Updated 3 weeks ago
- A Kubernetes Dex Client Authenticator☆374Updated last year
- A Library for Building Hybrid and Multicloud Kubernetes Operators☆247Updated 4 years ago
- Exporter for kubernetes events☆322Updated 7 months ago
- Plugin index for https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/krew. This repo is for plugin maintainers.☆640Updated this week
- Istio operator provides user friendly options to operate the Istio service mesh☆173Updated 4 years ago
- A simple introspective kubernetes service that forwards events to a specified sink.☆886Updated 2 years ago
- Kubernetes operator for deploying Thanos☆280Updated 10 months ago
- A service for better network visibility for your Kubernetes clusters.☆552Updated 4 months ago
- Auto-configuration of Fluentd daemon-set based on Kubernetes metadata☆319Updated this week
- An application that can be used to easily enable authentication flows via OIDC for a kubernetes cluster.☆410Updated 3 years ago
- Enrich your fluentd events with Kubernetes metadata☆352Updated last week
- General purpose metrics adapter for Kubernetes HPA metrics☆534Updated this week
- Custom controller that extends the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler☆215Updated this week
- Collection of Kubernetes Operators built with KUDO.☆228Updated 3 years ago
- Lightweight Kubernetes controllers as a service☆791Updated 4 years ago
- Treat any Kustomization or K8s manifests directory as a Helm chart☆174Updated last year
- Redis Operator creates/configures/manages Redis clusters atop Kubernetes☆168Updated 3 years ago
- Tries to move K8s Pods from on-demand to spot instances☆315Updated 4 years ago
- ⚠️(OBSOLETE) This is a Helm v3 plugin which migrates and cleans up Helm v2 configuration and releases in-place to Helm v3☆493Updated 5 months ago
- Turning Kubernetes Events into spans☆793Updated last year