triton-inference-server / onnxruntime_backend
The Triton backend for the ONNX Runtime.
☆135Updated this week
Alternatives and similar repositories for onnxruntime_backend:
Users that are interested in onnxruntime_backend are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- Triton Model Navigator is an inference toolkit designed for optimizing and deploying Deep Learning models with a focus on NVIDIA GPUs.☆186Updated last week
- Common source, scripts and utilities for creating Triton backends.☆300Updated last week
- The Triton backend for TensorRT.☆65Updated last week
- Triton Model Analyzer is a CLI tool to help with better understanding of the compute and memory requirements of the Triton Inference Serv…☆440Updated last week
- The Triton backend for the PyTorch TorchScript models.☆129Updated last week
- Common source, scripts and utilities shared across all Triton repositories.☆63Updated last week
- The core library and APIs implementing the Triton Inference Server.☆108Updated this week
- Triton Python, C++ and Java client libraries, and GRPC-generated client examples for go, java and scala.☆577Updated last week
- Common utilities for ONNX converters☆253Updated 2 weeks ago
- The Triton backend that allows running GPU-accelerated data pre-processing pipelines implemented in DALI's python API.☆127Updated this week
- ☆201Updated this week
- Triton backend that enables pre-process, post-processing and other logic to be implemented in Python.☆562Updated this week
- ONNX Script enables developers to naturally author ONNX functions and models using a subset of Python.☆292Updated this week
- torch::deploy (multipy for non-torch uses) is a system that lets you get around the GIL problem by running multiple Python interpreters i…☆177Updated this week
- The Triton backend for TensorFlow.☆45Updated last week
- onnxruntime-extensions: A specialized pre- and post- processing library for ONNX Runtime☆343Updated this week
- PyTorch RFCs (experimental)☆130Updated 3 months ago
- PyTriton is a Flask/FastAPI-like interface that simplifies Triton's deployment in Python environments.☆751Updated 3 weeks ago
- ☆30Updated this week
- Accelerate PyTorch models with ONNX Runtime☆357Updated 3 months ago
- ☆411Updated last year
- Examples for using ONNX Runtime for model training.☆317Updated last month
- This repository contains tutorials and examples for Triton Inference Server☆595Updated last week
- OpenVINO backend for Triton.☆30Updated this week
- TorchX is a universal job launcher for PyTorch applications. TorchX is designed to have fast iteration time for training/research and sup…☆335Updated this week
- FIL backend for the Triton Inference Server☆73Updated this week
- Triton CLI is an open source command line interface that enables users to create, deploy, and profile models served by the Triton Inferen…☆52Updated this week
- ☆32Updated 10 months ago
- Model compression for ONNX☆81Updated 3 weeks ago
- ☆164Updated 2 months ago