squti / Android-Wave-Recorder
A powerful and efficient library to record WAVE form audio files (WAV) in Android
☆242Updated 3 months ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for Android-Wave-Recorder:
Users that are interested in Android-Wave-Recorder are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- A flexible, efficient library written in Kotlin for drawing real wave forms while recording. Free, easy and convenient to use.☆383Updated last year
- Audio processing library, which provides waveform data☆222Updated last year
- An android library aimed at helping in the structured querying of the MediaStore to get media files in the simplest way possible taking …☆107Updated last year
- 📸Image Picker for Android, Pick images from Gallery or Capture a new image with Camera🖼☆233Updated last year
- 🎨 Color Picker Library for Android☆290Updated 7 months ago
- A player/ recorder visualizer with the swipe to seek functionality.☆150Updated last year
- Android Waveform SeekBar library☆491Updated 11 months ago
- RecyclerView and NestedScrollView with physics-based bouncy overscroll effect☆199Updated 2 years ago
- Audio waveform library for Jetpack Compose☆204Updated last year
- A customizable and easy-to-use Timeline View library for Android. Works as a RecyclerView decorator (ItemDecoration)☆232Updated 2 years ago
- Android library used to create an awesome Android UI based on a draggable element similar to the last YouTube New graphic component.☆206Updated 3 years ago
- The easiest library to show skeleton screens in an Android app.☆304Updated 3 years ago
- An instagram-like segmented progress bar☆382Updated last year
- BottomSheet with animations☆425Updated 2 years ago
- A Beautiful Dialog Library for Kotlin Android☆288Updated 4 years ago
- Carousel Recyclerview let's you create carousel layout with the power of recyclerview by creating custom layout manager.☆644Updated last year
- Color picker library for Android☆320Updated last year
- Implemented using Clean Arch, MVVM, LiveData, Room, Koin, Coil, Service, Notification and ExoPlayer☆618Updated 2 years ago
- A customizable, easy-to-use, and functional circular time range picker library for Android. Use this library to mimic Apple's iOS or Sams…☆305Updated 2 years ago
- ✨ Supports loading profile images with fractional styles, shapes, borders, indicators, and initials for Android.☆432Updated 2 years ago
- A Viewholderless Adapter for RecyclerView, who supports builtin diffing, states (paging, empty...), events (clicking, swiping...), and mo…☆469Updated 7 months ago
- Cookbook of multiple feature for Exoplayer☆228Updated 4 months ago
- Helps to trim local videos with compress option on Android applications using Exoplayer 2 and FFmpeg.☆379Updated 5 months ago
- DrawBox is a multi-purpose tool to draw anything on canvas, written completely on jetpack compose.☆308Updated last year
- An Android library that returns real paths from Uri's☆293Updated 9 months ago
- A looping LayoutManager for the Android RecyclerView.☆274Updated last year
- create animated onboarding or welcome screen with MotionLayout☆511Updated 10 months ago
- Easy customizable picker for all your needs in Android application☆191Updated last year
- A Neumorphism library for Android, supporting customizations for shadows/highlights to selected child views.☆163Updated 4 years ago
- A library for creating a wizard-like step-through user interface that uses navigation components and menus for displaying steps with adva…☆325Updated 2 years ago