sixeyed / nerd-dinner
Port from CodePlex
☆42Updated 8 years ago
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Users that are interested in nerd-dinner are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- Sample MusicStore application that uses MVC and Entity Framework.☆71Updated 7 years ago
- Newsletter Sign Up - a .NET Framework app using Docker containers on Windows☆28Updated last month
- Scalable, OctopusDeploy-powered webfarm using Windows Azure Web Roles.☆25Updated 6 years ago
- Scripts to run Octopus Server inside a docker container [WIP]☆34Updated 4 years ago
- ☆25Updated 3 years ago
- SQL Server object definition scripting for DbUp☆43Updated 4 years ago
- A suite of PowerShell cmdlets that enable you to simplify and automate your interactions with an Octopus Deploy server.☆40Updated 5 years ago
- A feature flipper for .NET☆32Updated 12 years ago
- Various Samples on ASP.NET Core☆24Updated 5 years ago
- Convention based PowerShell build for .NET☆17Updated 9 years ago
- Slides and sample code for "Practical DevOps Training" (Spring 2016)☆24Updated 8 years ago
- A configuration based commanding and mediator framework that supports command dispatch and execution in-process, over HTTP or over Azure …☆45Updated last year
- ☆39Updated 7 years ago
- Sample app for demonstrating continuous integration and deployment of a multi-container Docker app to Azure Container Service☆22Updated 7 years ago
- Azure Log Analytics HTTP Data Collector API wrapper☆21Updated 6 years ago
- TestStack.Dossier provides you with the code infrastructure to easily and quickly generate test fixture data for your automated tests in …☆53Updated 5 years ago
- is a direct .NET port of the dashing framework originally created by Shopify☆93Updated last year
- Serilog Azure WebJobs/Functions TraceWriter Sink☆19Updated 6 years ago
- ☆14Updated 7 years ago
- A (hopefully) temporary solution to get SpecFlow and .NET Core to play nice☆42Updated 5 years ago
- Docker on Windows workshop☆123Updated last year
- The VSTS yeoman generator I used at Ignite New Zealand 2016☆22Updated last year
- Gamification for Continuous Integration☆71Updated 2 years ago
- The Octopus Deploy Powershell module☆97Updated last year
- Spinner is a Service Monitor for Windows that also tails a log file and echoes to Stdout.☆36Updated 7 years ago
- Shovels Azure diagnostics data to ElasticSearch☆35Updated 6 years ago
- A command line tool written in C# to execute Kudu commands remotely☆15Updated 2 years ago
- Additional utilities and support for working with ASP.NET Core DataProtection.☆31Updated 6 years ago