seveves / angular-stencil
Connect stencil and angular
☆79Updated 6 years ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for angular-stencil:
Users that are interested in angular-stencil are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- A packaged Cloud Function to serve Angular Universal apps.☆50Updated 7 years ago
- Angular mono-repo (Ionic/Capacitor/StencilJS/Web Component) app starter for supporting cross platform apps.☆76Updated last year
- Simple Angular2 component to create a page transition animation on route changes☆41Updated 7 years ago
- Realtime NgRx without the reducers.☆43Updated 6 years ago
- example on how to configure web workers in angular CLI☆42Updated 6 years ago
- Monorepo as Microservices: Full MEAN stack with Angular 7, Ionic 4 and ReactiveX API (ngrx/Store + ngrx/Effects) + i18n/ngx-translate + E…☆61Updated 5 years ago
- 🔥 Easily create Angular libraries using Schematics☆129Updated 6 years ago
- Pure angular2 directive to trigger animations on scrolling☆35Updated 7 years ago
- Angular Model. Simple state management with minimalistic API, one way data flow, multiple model support and immutable data exposed as RxJ…☆133Updated 6 years ago
- Nx Workspace demo to share ngrx-based logic (state, action and reducers) between Ionic4 and Angular7 apps☆46Updated 2 years ago
- Demo to share module (ngrx state and reducers) between Ionic and Angular apps☆37Updated 7 years ago
- Angular Extension Schematics - collection of useful schematics for Angular applications generated using Angular CLI, less typing, more fu…☆25Updated 6 years ago
- 🎩 A Minimalist Starter for Angular (v2+) libraries (w/ AOT support)☆71Updated 6 years ago
- An Angular wrapper around the Notifications API☆59Updated 6 years ago
- ☆15Updated 6 years ago
- Ionic-Native demo running on Angular and Ionic☆36Updated 7 years ago
- Sample project that shows how to build a Movies Catalog APP with Angular, Ionic, Capacitor and NGXS (State Management).☆71Updated 7 months ago
- ☆34Updated 8 years ago
- Repo for comparing different Angular SSR rendering strategies. Forked from☆29Updated 6 years ago
- ☆178Updated 6 years ago
- Angular Element that allows lazy loading Angular components in non-angular applications☆33Updated last year
- A simple lightweight library for Angular with no other dependencies that detects when an element is within the browser viewport and adds …☆72Updated last year
- a RxJS 5.5+ lettable onDestroy operator for Angular 4+☆43Updated last year
- Angular/Ionic 2 directive to auto expand textareas according to their contents.☆49Updated 6 years ago
- ☆153Updated 7 years ago
- Multiplatform Angular project (Web/PWA, Mobile and Desktop) with Ionic (and optionally Bootstrap) - Sample: https://angular-pwa-seed.netl…☆68Updated 6 years ago
- A (somehow even simplier) setup for Angular Universal and Express.☆37Updated 7 years ago
- Angular schematic for adding Jest and the required files to an Angular CLI project☆44Updated 6 years ago