revell29 / fastify-clean-architecture
A simple API built with Fastify & Typescript that follows DDD + Clean Architecture principles
☆43Updated 2 years ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for fastify-clean-architecture:
Users that are interested in fastify-clean-architecture are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- boilerplate for starting backend with typescript + fastify + clean architecture☆35Updated 4 years ago
- ☆4Updated last year
- A lib to help you create a robust project based on domain driven-design (ddd) principles with typescript and zero dependencies.☆130Updated this week
- Fastify boilerplate with Vite & Vitest☆55Updated 2 months ago
- Example of a node microservice with NestJS + Prisma + Clean Architecture (notifications API)☆47Updated last year
- ☆34Updated 6 months ago
- fastify boilerplate for building RESTful APIs ⏰ Includes design (APIs), deploy(Application), and monitoring(Application).☆103Updated last year
- Example of the "Building a Modular Monolith with Fastify" talk☆64Updated last month
- TypeORM with a Custom Repository☆53Updated this week
- A Node.js CQRS and Event Source Microservice Example using Nest.js, Event Store and Mongo☆114Updated this week
- Project template using Clean Architecture in Typescript for building an API☆28Updated last year
- Boilerplate backend NestJS GraphQL project using Prisma 2 & PostgreSQL☆37Updated 3 years ago
- Boilerplate to create a Fastify app with better DX☆56Updated last year
- Fastify 5 application boilerplate based on clean architecture, domain-driven design, CQRS, functional programming, vertical slice archite…☆130Updated this week
- A clean OOP architecture with TypeScript, and production-ready Node JS Fastify server implementation with feature riched CLI.☆14Updated 2 years ago
- Dependency injection support for fastify☆103Updated last week
- A basic example of a GraphQL API built with NestJS, Prisma and TypeScript☆25Updated 2 years ago
- ☆41Updated last year
- Fastify typescript boilerplate with Prisma☆201Updated 5 months ago
- A repository to hold "experimental" packages for Nest. Honestly, I'm just tired of not having a good scope to put packages under☆89Updated last week
- A boilerplate for server applications with Fastify and Mongo using TypeScript on Vite.☆78Updated this week
- Node.js starter using Fastify & TypeScript☆156Updated 2 weeks ago
- ☆69Updated last year
- Fastify template with Prisma, Redis, Swagger, Jest and JWT already setup☆17Updated last year
- ☆207Updated 2 years ago
- Fastify starter template support RestAPI with Swagger and Graphql☆114Updated this week
- fastify + typescript starter☆28Updated last year
- Typescript DDD architecture for nest.js with ts-arch, subdomains, clean architecture, domain model, aggregates, event-driven ⚡☆109Updated this week
- A demo API implementation using Nest.js, GraphQL, and Prisma☆37Updated 2 years ago