ragingwind / next-manifest
Next.js plugins for Web Manifest and PWA
☆76Updated 4 years ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for next-manifest:
Users that are interested in next-manifest are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- nextjs + purgecss for smaller css bundles☆135Updated 4 years ago
- [Deprecated] Super simple way to create dynamic routes with Next.js☆140Updated 4 years ago
- Next plugin for .graphql and .gql files using graphql-tag☆57Updated last year
- Next.js HOC to integrate Google Analytics on every page change☆230Updated 4 years ago
- A graphql-react integration for Next.js.☆78Updated last year
- Create consistent styled-system based React UI components☆106Updated 5 years ago
- Extends next.js <Link> to allow invoking getInitialProps when prefetching a page☆132Updated last year
- React Implementation of @mxstbr https://sharingbuttons.io☆176Updated 10 months ago
- Automatically generate docs for React components using MDX, react-docgen, and GatsbyJS☆91Updated 2 years ago
- Automatic codemods to upgrade your styled-components code to newer versions.☆52Updated 6 years ago
- 💌 styled-components for emails☆257Updated 2 years ago
- Next.js HOC to integrate NProgress inside your app☆148Updated 5 years ago
- @brianlovin and @mxstbr's component library☆141Updated 2 years ago
- A flag utility for styled-components☆210Updated last year
- React hooks for persistent state☆166Updated last year
- Import fonts in Next.js (supports woff, woff2, eot, ttf, otf & svg)☆179Updated 4 years ago
- An example on how to use React's Context API with the PusherJS realtime messaging API to reuse a single socket connection.☆59Updated last year
- The suspense-friendly minimalistic sister of React Router 4.☆125Updated 6 years ago
- A responsive grid components for styled-components.☆220Updated last year
- React Hook for Online status☆123Updated 2 years ago
- Cache the Next.js build folder in your Netlify builds☆58Updated 2 years ago
- Build a PWA with Next.JS☆142Updated 7 years ago
- 📅 Primitive to build simple, flexible, enhanced dates, calendars, events React components☆32Updated 4 years ago
- Build forms that pop bottles 🍾with Formik and React Popper☆160Updated 6 years ago
- Lint your styled-components code to be clean☆40Updated 5 years ago
- Automatic static (build-time) or runtime environment variables injection for Next.js☆87Updated 2 years ago
- Demonstrating React Router 4's SSR awesomeness☆89Updated 5 years ago
- Helps manage media queries with styled components☆76Updated last year
- Declarative component for managing side-effects in Formik forms. 580 bytes☆166Updated last year
- A nice hoc that will update your component only if a certain prop(s) of your choice changes☆24Updated 5 years ago