r57zone / OpenVR-OpenTrack
OpenVR driver with OpenTrack support / OpenVR драйвер, с поддержкой OpenTrack
☆183Updated 5 months ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for OpenVR-OpenTrack:
Users that are interested in OpenVR-OpenTrack are comparing it to the libraries listed below
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- DIY VR devices☆99Updated 2 years ago
- Drivers☆50Updated 2 years ago
- A sample OpenVR Driver for you to learn from☆220Updated 2 years ago
- PSMoveSteamVRBridge is a client for PSMoveService that computes the pose and button data of PSMove/DualShock4/PSNavi controllers and rout…☆144Updated 3 years ago
- Self-sustainable fork of SteamVR driver for Leap Motion controller with updated vendor libraries☆131Updated 3 months ago
- A collection of useful features to customize and improve existing OpenXR applications.☆335Updated 2 months ago
- Interface to OpenVR Input Emulator to translate any Direct Input controllers commands into VR Controller commands☆35Updated 5 years ago
- An OpenVR driver that allows to create virtual controllers, emulate controller input, manipulate poses of existing controllers and remap …☆723Updated last year
- An implementation of the OpenXR standard for Virtual Desktop☆247Updated last week
- A fork of OpenVRInputEmulator that is compatible with the latest SteamVR versions (hopefully). Thanks p1mp184.☆42Updated last year
- Fixed Foveated Rendering for SteamVR games☆121Updated last year
- Steering wheel and joystick emulation using steamVR☆115Updated 3 years ago
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- SteamVR plugin for using OpenHMD drivers in SteamVR☆195Updated 11 months ago
- An open-source hook for VRInputEmulator to enable foot and hip tracking with the Kinect☆354Updated 3 years ago
- An OpenVR driver that applies virtual movement using a pedometer☆110Updated 2 months ago
- OpenXR API Layer for SteamVR camera passthrough☆125Updated this week
- An OpenVR driver for motion compensation - a limited version of OpenVR-InputEmulator☆36Updated last year
- Simulates key presses from SteamVR input☆137Updated 4 months ago
- Stream VR games from your PC to your headset via Wi-Fi☆187Updated last week
- (Not Actually) Super Secret KTVR Rewrite To WinUI 3.0☆62Updated 2 weeks ago
- Nightly releases of ALVR - untested and potentially unstable.☆113Updated this week
- PimaxXR: an unofficial implementation of the OpenXR standard for Pimax headsets.☆102Updated last year
- SteamVR driver to enable Oculus Touch controllers with other headsets☆63Updated this week
- Tutorial on how to use Vive Tracker for head tracking of WMR headset within SteamVR☆44Updated last year
- This repository is an example on how to implement an Open VR driver that sends joystick and/or trackpad input to Open VR.☆65Updated 2 years ago
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