platformatic / node-masterclass
☆27Updated last year
Alternatives and similar repositories for node-masterclass:
Users that are interested in node-masterclass are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- Example of the "Building a Modular Monolith with Fastify" talk☆64Updated last month
- Build a structure graph of your Fastify application☆67Updated 2 months ago
- Accelerate Web Development with Fastify, published by Packt☆130Updated 11 months ago
- A collection of reporters for `node:test`☆47Updated last week
- ☆26Updated last year
- Broken Promises Exercises☆48Updated this week
- A workshop about Fastify☆121Updated this week
- ☆37Updated last week
- The Node.js Test Runner Workshop☆16Updated this week
- node:test runner wrapper with TypeScript support☆161Updated this week
- ☆58Updated 8 months ago
- A FREE and open-source workshop about JavaScript iteration protocols: iterator, iterable, async iterator, async iterable☆112Updated 2 years ago
- A powerful Node.js benchmark library☆81Updated last week
- An Undici interceptor that routes requests over a worker thread☆32Updated this week
- An example on how to set up Fastify routes with full type safety☆30Updated last year
- Exit your process, gracefully (if possible) - for Node.js☆231Updated last month
- NearForm OWASP Top Ten Security Vulnerabilities Workshop☆43Updated this week
- ☆43Updated last year
- Dependency injection support for fastify☆103Updated last week
- Node.js benchmark for common web developer workloads. Inspired by☆29Updated 2 months ago
- A FREE and open-source workshop about Node.js Streams☆270Updated 7 months ago
- A graphical user interface for autocannon providing the same user experience☆39Updated this week
- package that checks if your Node.js installation is vulnerable to known security vulnerabilities☆210Updated last month
- An undici dispatcher to in-process Fastify servers☆24Updated 2 weeks ago
- Wizard for stackables app☆30Updated this week
- Validate your env variable using Ajv and dotenv☆222Updated last week
- Serve Swagger-UI for Fastify☆150Updated last week
- snapshot testing companion for node:test☆42Updated 3 weeks ago
- A series of examples illustrating race conditions in Node.js and potential solutions☆20Updated last year
- A Piscina plugin for Fastify☆63Updated last year