pjtatlow / jammdb
Just Another Memory Mapped Database
☆275Updated last year
Alternatives and similar repositories for jammdb:
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- garbage-collecting on-disk object store, supporting higher level KV stores and databases.☆373Updated 6 months ago
- Task abstraction for building executors☆427Updated last month
- rust stackful generator library☆314Updated last week
- A pure Rust database implementation using an append-only B-Tree file format.☆268Updated last year
- ☆165Updated last month
- Experiments with structured concurrency in Rust☆326Updated 4 months ago
- PickleDB-rs is a lightweight and simple key-value store. It is a Rust version for Python's PickleDB☆261Updated 5 months ago
- Stretto is a Rust implementation for Dgraph's ristretto (https://github.com/dgraph-io/ristretto). A high performance memory-bound Rust ca…☆412Updated 7 months ago
- Fast, efficient, and robust memory reclamation for Rust.☆394Updated 2 weeks ago
- High performance containers and utilities for concurrent and asynchronous programming☆359Updated last month
- cross-platform Rust API for memory mapped IO☆427Updated last week
- A fast binary serialization framework☆381Updated 2 months ago
- Concurrently Readable Data Structures for Rust☆345Updated 2 months ago
- A fully typed LMDB wrapper with minimum overhead 🐦☆643Updated this week
- Notify async tasks or threads☆449Updated last week
- Slab allocator for Rust☆718Updated last week
- A thread pool for isolating blocking I/O in async programs☆342Updated last month
- Reflection via DWARF.☆292Updated last year
- Concurrent multi-producer multi-consumer queue☆266Updated last month
- 🎭 A tiny actor framework☆325Updated last month
- Futures, streams, and async I/O combinators.☆480Updated 2 weeks ago
- A Write Ahead Log (WAL) implementation in Rust☆219Updated last year
- An embedded, in-memory, zero-copy, atomicity, consistency, isolation, MVCC, almost lock-free and serializable snapshot isolation database…☆211Updated last month
- Async synchronization primitives☆257Updated last month
- a lock-free concurrent slab (experimental)☆274Updated 3 months ago
- A binary encoder/decoder for Rust☆386Updated 2 months ago
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- An embedded key/value store for Rust☆162Updated last year
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- Easy self-referential struct generation for Rust.☆548Updated 3 months ago