object505 / tipso
A Lightweight Responsive jQuery Tooltip Plugin
☆319Updated 5 years ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for tipso:
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- Yet another jQuery plugin for tabs, lightweight, easy to use, mobile-friendly and with some extra features.☆565Updated 6 years ago
- A lightweight and beautiful jQuery plugin for radio and checkbox inputs.☆884Updated 7 years ago
- Easy and flexible jQuery tabbed functionality without all the styling.☆549Updated 6 years ago
- A jQuery tabs module for todays web!☆543Updated 8 years ago
- A lightweight cross browser javascript scrollbar.☆398Updated 3 years ago
- Avgrund is jQuery plugin with new modal concept for popups☆1,753Updated 4 years ago
- A jQuery Select Box Plugin for Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop☆852Updated 4 years ago
- ☆998Updated 2 years ago
- Modal window effects with transitions CSS3.☆619Updated 4 years ago
- A jQuery plugin. Create a scroll line bar indicator on the page.☆211Updated 10 years ago
- Yet another jQuery plugin to style select elements. Demo at http://vst.mn/selectordie/☆523Updated 8 years ago
- A Number-Spinner, Support keyboard operations and continuous changing.☆312Updated last year
- Lightweight, unobtrusive, custom style select boxes with jQuery☆585Updated 6 years ago
- A JavaScript polyfill for the HTML5 placeholder attribute☆949Updated last year
- [Unmaintained] Responsive Lazy Loading plugin for JQuery☆414Updated 2 years ago
- A super simple slideshow plugin for jQuery.☆670Updated 7 years ago
- jQuery plugin to resize images to fit in a container.☆970Updated 6 years ago
- Pin any element within a container☆1,274Updated 6 years ago
- A tooltip style toolbar jQuery plugin☆2,297Updated 7 years ago
- stickyNavbar.js: Fancy sticky navigation jQuery plugin with smart anchor link highlighting☆284Updated last year
- A better select for discerning web developers everywhere.☆754Updated 6 years ago
- A jQuery plugin for browser detection☆505Updated 4 years ago
- A powerful little tool for managing CSS animations☆2,108Updated 7 years ago
- Enlarges the image with the mouse hover and move☆340Updated last year
- Label your form input like a boss with beautiful animation and without taking up space☆516Updated 4 years ago
- Bootstrap-style dropdowns with some added features and no dependencies.☆765Updated 5 years ago
- The original jQuery plugin for supercool scroll animation. NOTE: No longer under active development. New version is ScrollMagic.js☆2,391Updated 6 years ago
- jQuery plugin for Hammer.js☆384Updated 4 years ago
- ☆244Updated 7 years ago
- A jQuery plugin that creates a paneled-style menu (like the type seen in the mobile versions of Facebook and Google, as well as in many n…☆922Updated 7 years ago