nestjs-packages / sqs
AWS SQS module for Nest framework (node.js) 👷
☆78Updated this week
Alternatives and similar repositories for sqs:
Users that are interested in sqs are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- A project to make SQS easier to use within NestJS, with decorator-based handling and seamless NestJS-way integration.☆216Updated 2 months ago
- Dynamoose module for Nest☆142Updated this week
- A thin wrapping layer around the aws-sdk package for clean NestJS dependency injection.☆93Updated 2 months ago
- AWS Cognito utilities module for NestJS.☆84Updated this week
- Nestjs application with CQRS pattern and SAGA☆114Updated last year
- A list of useful components for NestJS applications☆254Updated 3 weeks ago
- Boilerplate for using NestJS with GraphQL (Code-First) on serverless environment (AWS Lambda)☆77Updated last year
- Event Emitter module for Nest framework (node.js) 🦋☆203Updated this week
- An event-sourcing library for NestJS☆141Updated this week
- 🦁 Module for NestJS☆103Updated last week
- Custom Google Cloud Pub/Sub microservice transport for Nest framework (node.js)☆86Updated 8 months ago
- NestJS module for implementing Event Sourcing☆225Updated last year
- Distributed tracing for Nestjs with AWS X-Ray as the backend. Instrument incoming and outgoing HTTP requests☆65Updated last week
- ☆41Updated last year
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- Server-side client of ISA Rankings (Serverless, NestJS, DynamoDB)☆179Updated 11 months ago
- Exmaple to Integrate kafkajs with nestjs & kakfka☆76Updated 9 months ago
- NestJS CQRS Microservices Starter Project☆404Updated 8 months ago
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- A Node.js CQRS and Event Source Microservice Example using Nest.js, Event Store and Mongo☆114Updated this week
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- A repository to hold "experimental" packages for Nest. Honestly, I'm just tired of not having a good scope to put packages under☆89Updated last week
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