mxismean / image-tiny-tauri
Tauri 项目:图片压缩应用
☆120Updated last year
Alternatives and similar repositories for image-tiny-tauri:
Users that are interested in image-tiny-tauri are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- desktop automation, screen capture, input listen/simulation, asar compress, color picker for nodejs and electron based on rust. 基于 Rust /…☆93Updated last year
- ☆90Updated last year
- This is a remote desktop control tool built using Tauri and implemented based on WebRTC. Build a simple server using Rust. Views built …☆104Updated last year
- Skia based 2d graphics vue rendering library. It is based on Rust to implement software rasterization to perform rendering. 基于 Skia 的 2D …☆305Updated 3 months ago
- pure-admin官方tauri版本☆122Updated this week
- POC: Electron incremental update tools in dual-asar structure with vite plugin, support bytecode protection | 双 Asar 架构的 Electron 增量更新工具,…☆46Updated this week
- 基于tauri实现的工具集合应用,支持插件安装☆26Updated last year
- 使用 webassembly 通过 tauri 封装的桌面摄相头☆26Updated last year
- A captcha extension package for React☆66Updated 11 months ago
- Leafer 是核心代码库。☆239Updated this week
- NPM 插件:图片压缩(浏览器端本地压缩),支持 png、jpg、gif 格式的图片压缩☆22Updated 2 years ago
- An audio and video transcoding tool using tauri framework☆35Updated last year
- 绚丽多彩的 HTML5 Canvas 2D 图形渲染引擎, 可结合 AI 绘图、生成界面。能让你拥有瞬间创建 100 万个图形的超强能力,免费开源、易学易用、场景丰富。☆220Updated last week
- 使用Tauri做的一个将动漫视频转4K视频的软件。☆63Updated last year
- Simple to use clipboard manager! 全键盘操作的剪贴板管理工具.☆143Updated 10 months ago
- Video player base on Electron☆85Updated last year
- Fluent Editor is a rich text editor based on Quill 2.0, which extends rich modules and formats on the basis of Quill. It is powerful and …☆180Updated this week
- leafer-vue is a vue component library based on leafer-ui and vue☆38Updated last month
- 基于 canvaskit,高性能、丝滑的平面地图引擎。☆67Updated 8 months ago
- 🖖 GoCaptcha for Vue, which implements click mode, slider mode, drag-drop mode and rotation mode.☆43Updated last week
- 3DD 一个快速上手的3D模型调试工作台☆106Updated 2 years ago
- OpenTiny HUICharts 是一套功能强大的前端可视化图表库,为Web开发者提供了40多个图表组件,支持主题定制、响应式和无障碍等丰富的能力,且完全兼容 ECharts 的 API。☆73Updated this week
- 🍄 由leaferjs + vue实现的超级玛丽世界,同时支持编辑制作地图☆109Updated 3 months ago
- 30秒内完成创建、运行、管理你的 ffmpeg 命令☆62Updated last week
- [Nodejs][cross-platform] 鼠标键盘模拟输入&事件监听、光标位置获取、获取剪贴板文件或文本、获取已安装应用列表和图标、获取活跃&聚焦窗口信息、获取文件管理器实时路径 | Mouse and keyboard simulation input & eve…☆61Updated last year
- rust poem admin☆72Updated 2 years ago
- 一些有趣的小项目☆245Updated 3 months ago
- Diffscreen的web版本☆105Updated last month
- 一款基于 TAURI 的跨平台 ChatGPT 客户端☆39Updated last year