munificent / vigil
Vigil, the eternal morally vigilant programming language
☆2,909Updated 2 years ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for vigil:
Users that are interested in vigil are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- Soul of a tiny new machine. More thorough tests → More comprehensible and rewrite-friendly software → More resilient society.☆1,387Updated 2 months ago
- Fetish-themed programming language☆1,494Updated 7 months ago
- 🍺🐙 ZetZ a zymbolic verifier and tranzpiler to bare metal C☆1,598Updated 2 years ago
- A portable programming language with a compact intermediate representation☆733Updated last year
- ☆1,016Updated last year
- Interpreted language focused on expressiveness and type safety.☆1,081Updated 4 months ago
- QuineDB is a quine that is also a key-value store.☆579Updated 7 years ago
- A Bestiary of Single-File Implementations of Programming Languages☆999Updated 8 months ago
- Import arbitrary code from Stack Overflow as Python modules.☆3,700Updated 2 years ago
- Micro web-framework for COBOL☆957Updated 4 months ago
- The Lobster Programming Language☆2,310Updated this week
- A concise stack-based golfing language☆764Updated last month
- A statically typed lisp, without a GC, for real-time applications.☆5,565Updated 3 weeks ago
- A statically typed concatenative systems programming language.☆1,103Updated last year
- 🦄 The Enterprise™ programming language☆1,603Updated last year
- Functional language with intensional polymorphism and first-class staging.☆925Updated 2 weeks ago
- Jelly is a recreational programming language inspired by J.☆867Updated 4 years ago
- Pony is an open-source, actor-model, capabilities-secure, high performance programming language☆5,740Updated this week
- A tiny, embeddable language implemented in ANSI C☆1,330Updated 5 months ago
- Kit: a magical, high performance programming language, designed for game development.☆1,017Updated 3 years ago
- C to Rust translator☆2,161Updated 5 years ago
- A lightweight (350MB) Lisp interpreter in Malbolge Unshackled, often dubbed the hardest turing complete programming language.☆493Updated last year
- Computing with traps☆1,268Updated 11 years ago
- Programming Languages Zoo☆1,461Updated 5 months ago
- Collection of quotes on notation design & how it affects thought.☆1,845Updated 4 years ago
- A dynamic language and bytecode vm☆3,597Updated this week
- Mirror of JONESFORTH☆1,017Updated last year
- The Original Javascript Error Steamroller☆4,126Updated last year
- The Pyret language.☆1,075Updated last week
- Turn your favourite regex into FAT32☆997Updated 2 years ago