mitchtabian / MVVMRecipeApp
Kotlin, MVVM, Navigation Component, Hilt, Jetpack Compose, Retrofit2
☆549Updated 2 years ago
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- Android sample app following best practices: Kotlin, Compose, Coroutines and Flow, Hilt, JetPack Navigation, ViewModel, MVVM, Retrofit, C…☆478Updated 2 years ago
- An example project to demonstrate how to use the Dagger-Hilt in Android.☆495Updated last year
- An Android Template with MVVM and Clean Architecture☆839Updated 6 months ago
- A Rick And Morty simple app to show one approach to using some of the best practices in Android Development.☆453Updated 2 years ago
- 👽 Built with MVVM pattern, Koin , Coroutines + Flows ,Architecture Components, Data Binding , Firebase , Unit/UI Tests ,Motion Layout☆690Updated 3 years ago
- Clean Architecture by layer☆546Updated 9 months ago
- Implemented by Clean Architecture, Hilt, MVVM, LiveData, RX, Retrofit2, Room, Anko☆455Updated last year
- This is a project built with Love ❤️ and also with Clean architecture in Android .☆327Updated last year
- Kotlin, MVI, Hilt, Retrofit2, Coroutines, Room Persistence, REST API, Token Authentication☆692Updated last year
- Multi-module, Kotlin, MVI, Compose, Hilt, Navigation Component, Use-cases, SQL-Delight, Ktor☆393Updated last year
- 🧸 A demo Disney app using Jetpack Compose and Hilt based on modern Android tech stacks and MVVM architecture.☆953Updated last year
- Clean Architecture Modular Project: MVVM + Jetpack Compose + Coroutines + Flows + Dagger2 + LiveData + UnitTests + UITests + Screenshot T…☆723Updated 3 months ago
- Kotlin, MVVM, Navigation Component, Hilt, Jetpack Compose, Retrofit2, Room, Use cases, Unit Testing☆227Updated 3 years ago
- Android Architecture Design Patterns using Kotlin, MVVM, Hilt, LiveData, Room, MediatorLiveData, NetworkBoundResources, Retrofit, Android…☆343Updated 2 months ago
- Learn Kotlin Flow by real examples for Android☆443Updated 4 months ago
- Android architecture sample with dynamic feature modularisation, clean architecture with MVI (Uni-directional data flow), dagger hilt, DF…☆464Updated 3 years ago
- A playground for learning dagger hilt on android☆276Updated 2 years ago
- ☆899Updated 3 years ago
- Playground project for the Jetpack Compose APIs☆960Updated 3 years ago
- 🥪 Sandwich is an adaptable and lightweight sealed API library designed for handling API responses and exceptions in Kotlin for Retrofit…☆1,579Updated last week
- Learn Kotlin Coroutines by real examples for Android☆397Updated 3 months ago
- The Movie DB app using Kotlin with updated Android features☆432Updated last month
- Includes jetpack compose, navigation, paging, hilt, retrofit, coil, coroutines, flow..☆419Updated 5 months ago
- Delish, a Food Recipes App in Jetpack Compose and Hilt based on modern Android tech-stacks and MVI clean architecture.☆496Updated last year
- Android playground project with modularization by feature (android libraries), unit tests, MVVM & MVI.☆381Updated 3 years ago
- AppTemplate | MVVM + Clean Architecture | Kotlin, Coroutines, LiveData, Koin, Databinding, Navigation components, Room, Crashlytics, Circ…☆556Updated 8 months ago
- Android + Kotlin + Modularization + Gradle Depedency managment + Gradle written in Kotlin DSL + Custom Gradle Plugin + MVVM + MVI + Clea…☆382Updated 3 years ago
- Pokedex on Jetpack Compose☆753Updated 2 years ago
- Tutorials about Navigation Components to learn using nav graphs, adding top menus, passing arguments via safe args, combining with differ…☆395Updated 8 months ago
- Learn Jetpack Compose for Android by Examples. Learn how to use Jetpack Compose for Android App Development. Android’s modern toolkit for…☆477Updated last year