meituan / ptubes
Ptubes is a database disaster recovery product based on the PITR (Point In Time Recovery) method, which can be used to restore the entire database to a specific point in time to help users improve the reliability and security of the database
☆54Updated 2 years ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for ptubes:
Users that are interested in ptubes are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- ☆83Updated 5 months ago
- polardbx-cdc is a core component of PolarDB-X which is responsible for global binary log generation, publication and subscription.☆73Updated last week
- ☆135Updated 4 months ago
- OBKV Table Client is Java Library that can be used to access table data from OceanBase storage layer.☆28Updated this week
- MySQL active-active replication solution.☆127Updated 5 years ago
- Tools for PolarDB-X, such as data migration, CSV files import, benchmark, etc.☆39Updated 5 months ago
- Enterprise Kafka Solution☆51Updated last year
- polardbx-glue is an extension to MySQL Connector/J 8.0.☆45Updated 3 weeks ago
- MySQL Binlog增量同步管道☆128Updated 5 years ago
- Apache HoraeDB (Incubating) Java Client.☆21Updated 3 months ago
- MySQL binary log lake, dump MySQL binlog on real time to MQ☆88Updated 2 years ago
- OBKV HBase Client is Java Library that can be used to access data from OceanBase by HBase-0.94 API.☆15Updated this week
- ☆60Updated 10 months ago
- A Java library to get commit log data from OceanBase.☆13Updated 2 months ago
- A fast and lightweight Redis Proxy and Kafka Proxy☆81Updated 2 months ago
- A redis module, similar to redis string, but you can set expire and version for the value. It also provides many very useful commands, su…☆117Updated 3 weeks ago
- RocketMQ-on-Pulsar - A protocol handler that brings native RocketMQ protocol to Apache Pulsar☆98Updated last year
- Sniffer MySQL package: capture TCP package, parsed with mysql protocol, optional you can send query info to Kafka. 抓取tcp包解析出mysql语句☆93Updated 2 years ago
- 一个集审核、执行、备份及生成回滚语句于一身的MySQL自动化运维工具☆66Updated 5 years ago
- ☆28Updated 5 years ago
- TiKV Java Client☆111Updated 6 months ago
- Apache Pulsar Source code analysis☆145Updated 5 years ago
- A production-grade java implementation of paxos consensus algorithm☆196Updated last year
- MoHA(Mobike High Availability): A MySQL/Postgres high availability supervisor☆133Updated 5 years ago
- 喜马拉雅xcache缓存系统☆196Updated last year
- HoloInsight is a cloud-native observability platform with a special focus on real-time log analysis and AI integration.☆324Updated last month
- A tool used to collect and merge tidb's binlog for real-time data backup and synchronization.☆294Updated last week
- redis realtime sync tool, like mysql canal☆17Updated 7 years ago
- Prometheus expoter for Qihoo360/Pika metrics. Suppots Pika 2.x, 3.x☆39Updated 11 months ago
- TenDB is the data node of TenDB Cluster.☆85Updated 3 years ago