lsds / StreamBench
Measuring the performance of popular streaming engines with Yahoo's Streaming Benchmark
☆53Updated 5 years ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for StreamBench:
Users that are interested in StreamBench are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- Mirror of Apache crail (Incubating)☆148Updated 2 years ago
- An extension of Yahoo's Benchmarks☆107Updated last year
- DS2 is an auto-scaling controller for distributed streaming dataflows☆87Updated last year
- Fast I/O plugins for Spark☆41Updated 4 years ago
- This repository contains the code base for the Open Stream Processing Benchmark.☆50Updated 3 years ago
- This repository provides Scotty, a framework for efficient window aggregations for out-of-order Stream Processing.☆75Updated last year
- Rheem - a cross-platform data processing system☆5Updated 2 years ago
- Self regulation and auto-tuning for distributed system☆64Updated last year
- Spark Shuffle Optimization with RDMA+AEP☆30Updated last year
- Benchmarks for Low Latency (Streaming) solutions including Apache Storm, Apache Spark, Apache Flink, Kafka Stream API and Hazelcast Jet☆10Updated 8 months ago
- All the things about TPC-DS in Apache Spark☆104Updated last year
- [Archived] A Fast Multi-tiered Distributed Storage System based on User-Level I/O☆71Updated 6 years ago
- ☆21Updated 4 years ago
- Cache File System optimized for columnar formats and object stores☆183Updated 2 years ago
- Splash, a flexible Spark shuffle manager that supports user-defined storage backends for shuffle data storage and exchange☆127Updated 2 months ago
- A composable framework for fast and scalable data analytics☆57Updated 2 years ago
- SnailTrail implementation☆38Updated 5 years ago
- Condor allows for the specification of synopsis-based streaming jobs on top of general dataflow systems. Condor provides a collection of …☆13Updated 5 months ago
- A high-performance, scalable and efficient ShuffleManager plugin for Apache Spark, utilizing UCX communication layer☆47Updated last year
- Spark Terasort☆123Updated last year
- ☆77Updated 2 weeks ago
- Performance Analysis Tool☆76Updated 2 years ago
- Mirror of Apache Omid Incubator☆87Updated last month
- Spark* shuffle plugin for support shuffling data through a remote Hadoop-compatible file system, as opposed to vanilla Spark's local-dis…☆21Updated 9 months ago
- ☆63Updated 3 months ago
- Apache Quickstep Incubator - This project is retired☆94Updated 6 years ago
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- Data sets and Vagrant script to provision a virtual machine for Apache Calcite development☆29Updated last year
- A streaming key-value store implementation using native Flink Streaming operators☆22Updated 9 years ago