locationtech / geomesa
GeoMesa is a suite of tools for working with big geo-spatial data in a distributed fashion.
☆1,435Updated this week
Alternatives and similar repositories for geomesa:
Users that are interested in geomesa are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- GeoWave provides geospatial and temporal indexing on top of Accumulo, HBase, BigTable, Cassandra, Kudu, Redis, RocksDB, and DynamoDB.☆502Updated last year
- GeoTrellis is a geographic data processing engine for high performance applications.☆1,343Updated 2 weeks ago
- Geo Spatial Data Analytics on Spark☆533Updated 3 years ago
- A cluster computing framework for processing large-scale geospatial data☆1,964Updated this week
- The Spatial Framework for Hadoop allows developers and data scientists to use the Hadoop data processing system for spatial data analysis…☆369Updated 8 months ago
- The GIS Tools for Hadoop are a collection of GIS tools for spatial analysis of big data.☆521Updated 2 years ago
- The Esri Geometry API for Java enables developers to write custom applications for analysis of spatial data. This API is used in the Esr…☆693Updated 7 months ago
- Tutorials and examples for working with GeoMesa☆99Updated last month
- Big Spatial Data Processing using Spark☆145Updated 7 years ago
- The second generation of SpatialHadoop that ships as an extension☆153Updated last year
- Official GeoTools repository☆1,739Updated this week
- A performant binary encoding for geographic data based on flatbuffers☆692Updated this week
- PostGIS spatial database extension to PostgreSQL [mirror]☆1,761Updated this week
- Template projects for GeoSpark, GeoSpark-SQL, GeoSpark-Viz☆65Updated 3 years ago
- Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/s2-geometry-library-java☆542Updated last year
- LocationTech SFCurve is a Scala library for the creation, transformation, and querying of space-filling curves☆81Updated 2 years ago
- GeoGig project☆403Updated last year
- Geospatial Raster support for Spark DataFrames☆248Updated 8 months ago
- ElasticGeo provides a GeoTools data store that allows geospatial features from an Elasticsearch index to be published via OGC services us…☆169Updated 2 years ago
- MobilityDB is a geospatial trajectory data management & analysis platform, built on PostgreSQL and PostGIS.☆540Updated 3 weeks ago
- LocationTech Spatial4j: A Geospatial Library for Java☆939Updated last year
- Specification for storing geospatial vector data (point, line, polygon) in Parquet☆838Updated last month
- GeoTrellis for PySpark☆179Updated 4 years ago
- Spatial In-Memory Big data Analytics☆121Updated 5 years ago
- Java map matching library for integrating the map into software and services with state-of-the-art online and offline map matching that c…☆674Updated last year
- The JTS Topology Suite is a Java library for creating and manipulating vector geometry.☆1,994Updated last week
- A compact binary encoding for geographic data.☆980Updated 2 years ago
- MrGeo is a geospatial toolkit designed to provide raster-based geospatial capabilities that can be performed at scale. MrGeo is built upo…☆207Updated last year
- Tegola is a Mapbox Vector Tile server written in Go☆1,301Updated 2 weeks ago
- This repository will host files and issues around the comparative analysis of GeoWave and GeoMesa☆47Updated 7 years ago