lfades / static-tweet
☆690Updated last year
Alternatives and similar repositories for static-tweet:
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- Experimental demo of React Server Components with Next.js. Deployed serverlessly on Vercel.☆739Updated 3 weeks ago
- A tiny Next.js helper for loading Google Fonts fast and asynchronously ⏩☆424Updated 2 years ago
- Simplified server-side Stripe workflows in Next.js☆567Updated last week
- Extremely fast static renderer for tweets.☆564Updated 7 months ago
- Next.js Incremental Static Regeneration Demo☆307Updated 6 months ago
- Example Next.js app to upload photos to an S3 bucket.☆357Updated 2 years ago
- A Next.js plugin that enables MDX pages, layouts, and front matter☆502Updated last year
- Generate sitemap.xml from nextjs pages☆521Updated last year
- Find unused files in your Next.js projects☆421Updated 3 months ago
- A fun demo for wildcard domains☆641Updated 5 months ago
- Use `getStaticProps`/`getServerSideProps` as react-hooks☆723Updated this week
- Sets secure response headers for Next.js.☆316Updated 2 years ago
- Decorated local server for next.js that enables reloads from remote data changes☆353Updated 5 months ago
- The official website for SWR.☆487Updated last month
- A Next.js plugin for embedding optimized images.☆273Updated 2 months ago
- ⚛️ Build applications from the the future, today.☆341Updated 2 months ago
- Easily add user reviews, feedback, and comments to your website in one line of code.☆600Updated 2 months ago
- ⛳️ Feature Flags for Next.js☆1,032Updated 8 months ago
- Password protect your Next.js projects.☆318Updated last year
- The TypeScript-ready, minimal router and middleware layer for Next.js, Micro, Vercel, or Node.js http/http2☆1,642Updated 9 months ago
- Get the absolute URL of your Next.js app (optionally set a localhost dev URL)☆299Updated last year
- Add a cache layer for server-side-rendered pages with stale-while-revalidate. Can be considered as an implementation of next.js's Increme…☆874Updated last year
- 🦤 Give me MDX/TSX strings and I'll give you back a component you can render. Supports imports!☆1,786Updated 3 months ago
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