kubernetes-sigs / apisnoop
⭕️Snooping on the Kubernetes OpenAPI communications
☆89Updated this week
Alternatives and similar repositories for apisnoop:
Users that are interested in apisnoop are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- ☆56Updated this week
- This repo contains tooling around generating and publishing release notes for the Kubernetes organization.☆52Updated this week
- Container and file artifact promotion tooling for the Kubernetes project☆145Updated last week
- Funding requests for project infrastructure, events, and consulting.☆16Updated last year
- ☆47Updated 2 years ago
- ClusterIP Validating Webhook☆34Updated last year
- Operator to manage RBAC permissions for groups across subsets of namespaces☆34Updated this week
- A Cluster API Infrastructure Provider implementation using Kubernetes itself as the infrastructure☆34Updated 3 years ago
- A kubectl plugin which triggers a Sysdig capture☆99Updated last year
- Expose SMI Metrics☆25Updated 3 years ago
- A balanced chaos test☆34Updated 5 years ago
- Plugins for Sonobuoy☆61Updated 5 months ago
- Plugin for Helm to integrate the sigstore ecosystem☆60Updated this week
- A Go library for implementing GitOps, used by Ignite☆66Updated last year
- A Prometheus exporter for Calico policy packet counts☆92Updated 2 years ago
- ☆46Updated 5 years ago
- Tool to check your Kubernetes cluster for certificates affected by Let's Encrypt's CAA rechecking bug☆21Updated 4 years ago
- Service implementation for a Kubernetes Dynamic Webhook controller for interacting with Anchore☆64Updated this week
- DEPRECATED: Development continues in https://github.com/knative/operator/☆39Updated 4 years ago
- Octant plugin for viewing Starboard security information☆57Updated 2 years ago
- Tool to convert CNAB bundle.json to OCI index☆55Updated last month
- Provides an API for ACL filtering and requesting of Kubernetes namespaces☆29Updated 2 years ago
- Kubernetes operator for Falco that allows developers to manage rules for detecting intruders and backdoors☆68Updated 4 years ago
- Information and content about "The Binding Status" Crossplane focused live stream and podcast☆52Updated last year
- ☆27Updated 2 years ago
- 🏆 CNCF Community Awards☆20Updated 2 months ago
- Speed up the implementation and composition of Kubernetes Operators☆69Updated this week
- ☆40Updated 5 years ago
- ACK service controller for Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)☆59Updated last week
- Integration between knative and certmanager for managing TLS certs automatically.☆22Updated 7 months ago