kubernetes-retired / container-object-storage-interface-provisioner-sidecar
Container Object Storage Interface (COSI) provisioner responsible to interface with COSI drivers. NOTE: The content of this repo has been moved to https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/container-object-storage-interface.
☆35Updated 3 weeks ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for container-object-storage-interface-provisioner-sidecar:
Users that are interested in container-object-storage-interface-provisioner-sidecar are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- CSI driver to bootstrap COSI workloads☆18Updated last year
- Minimum cluster registration and work☆58Updated 2 months ago
- hub / spoke registration controllers☆42Updated 2 months ago
- Container Object Storage Interface (COSI) API responsible to define API for COSI objects. NOTE: The content of this repo has been moved t…☆69Updated 3 weeks ago
- Container Object Storage Interface (COSI) controller responsible to manage lifecycle of COSI objects. NOTE: The content of this repo has …☆94Updated 3 weeks ago
- Operator for managing Node Feature Discovery deployment☆67Updated 4 months ago
- A CRD for arbitrary properties about a cluster☆32Updated 2 months ago
- An OCM addon that automates the installation of Kubernetes' konnectivity servers and agents.☆46Updated last month
- Installs and maintains the kube-scheduler on a cluster.☆35Updated last week
- Container Object Storage (COSI) Specification. NOTE: The content of this repo has been moved to https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/contai…☆64Updated 3 weeks ago
- This repo contains sidecar controller and agent for volume health monitoring.☆66Updated 3 weeks ago
- Kubernetes Work API☆60Updated last month
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- Common code for Kubernetes CSI sidecar containers (e.g. `external-attacher`, `external-provisioner`, etc.)☆44Updated 2 months ago
- Example DRA driver that developers can fork and modify to get them started writing their own.☆54Updated this week
- Fork of https://github.com/open-cluster-management-io/multicloud-operators-subscription☆47Updated this week
- addon apis☆24Updated last week
- command line tool to bootstrap open-cluster-management control plane.☆81Updated last month
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- Automatic repair for unhealthy Kubernetes nodes☆46Updated this week
- ☆51Updated this week
- A sidecar container that can be included in a CSI plugin pod to enable integration with Kubernetes Liveness Probe.☆76Updated this week
- Kubernetes Operator to manage node maintenance through NodeMaintenance custom resources☆35Updated this week
- An operator to run descheduler on OpenShift.☆48Updated this week
- Injector trait as a webhook to inject data into Workload.☆15Updated 3 years ago
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- Operator for monitoring liveness of Routes and URL's on OpenShift☆27Updated last week
- CAPK is a provider for Cluster API (CAPI) that allows users to deploy fake, Kubemark-backed machines to their clusters.☆65Updated last month
- Behaviour driven reconciler testing framework.☆29Updated 2 weeks ago