knative-extensions / net-istio
A Knative ingress controller for Istio.
☆76Updated 2 weeks ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for net-istio:
Users that are interested in net-istio are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- Kubernetes Work API☆60Updated last month
- A template project for writing your own controller using the Knative helper libraries.☆72Updated 2 weeks ago
- Shared code for kubernetes core components☆114Updated this week
- This repo contains sidecar controller and agent for volume health monitoring.☆66Updated 3 weeks ago
- Example DRA driver that developers can fork and modify to get them started writing their own.☆54Updated this week
- A sidecar container that can be included in a CSI plugin pod to enable integration with Kubernetes Liveness Probe.☆76Updated this week
- ☆135Updated last year
- Libraries for implementing aggregated apiservers☆85Updated this week
- A Knative ingress controller for Project Contour☆31Updated 2 weeks ago
- A CRD for arbitrary properties about a cluster☆32Updated 2 months ago
- This repository hosts the Multi-Cluster Service APIs. Providers can import packages in this repo to ensure their multi-cluster service co…☆216Updated last week
- Addon operators for Kubernetes clusters.☆156Updated last year
- Test cases and implementation for "server-side apply"☆108Updated this week
- Combined operator for Knative.☆191Updated last week
- hub / spoke registration controllers☆42Updated 2 months ago
- DNS service discovery across connected Kubernetes clusters.☆104Updated this week
- Minimum cluster registration and work☆58Updated 2 months ago
- Operator for managing Node Feature Discovery deployment☆67Updated 4 months ago
- Sidecar container that watches Kubernetes VolumeAttachment objects and triggers ControllerPublish/Unpublish against a CSI endpoint☆171Updated this week
- ☆68Updated this week
- This repo addresses further work involving Kubernetes network security beyond the initial NetworkPolicy resource☆58Updated 2 weeks ago
- Istio operator provides user friendly options to operate the Istio service mesh☆173Updated 4 years ago
- This is a library to help Operator developers☆40Updated this week
- Sidecar container that watches Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaims objects and triggers controller side expansion operation against a CSI e…☆128Updated this week
- An OCM addon that automates the installation of Kubernetes' konnectivity servers and agents.☆46Updated last month
- CoreDNS plugin implementing K8s multi-cluster services DNS spec.☆48Updated 2 years ago
- DEPRECATED: Development continues in☆39Updated 4 years ago
- command line tool to bootstrap open-cluster-management control plane.☆81Updated last month
- Kubernetes operator for deploying and managing Harbor and its dependent services (database, cache and storage) in a scalable and high-ava…☆27Updated 3 years ago
- CSI driver to bootstrap COSI workloads☆18Updated last year