google / guava
Google core libraries for Java
☆50,303Updated this week
Alternatives and similar repositories for guava:
Users that are interested in guava are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- Netty project - an event-driven asynchronous network application framework☆33,555Updated this week
- Guice (pronounced 'juice') is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 11 and above, brought to you by Google.☆12,513Updated 2 weeks ago
- Most popular Mocking framework for unit tests written in Java☆14,936Updated this week
- Redis Java client☆11,905Updated this week
- Spring Boot helps you to create Spring-powered, production-grade applications and services with absolute minimum fuss.☆75,505Updated this week
- The java implementation of Apache Dubbo. An RPC and microservice framework.☆40,562Updated this week
- A collection of source code generators for Java.☆10,441Updated last week
- The Java gRPC implementation. HTTP/2 based RPC☆11,498Updated this week
- Spring Framework☆56,849Updated this week
- Design patterns implemented in Java☆90,222Updated this week
- Redisson - Valkey and Redis Java client. Complete Real-Time Data Platform. Sync/Async/RxJava/Reactive API. Over 50 Valkey and Redis based…☆23,435Updated this week
- 光 HikariCP・A solid, high-performance, JDBC connection pool at last.☆20,078Updated last week
- FASTJSON 2.0.x has been released, faster and more secure, recommend you upgrade.☆25,762Updated 4 months ago
- Very spicy additions to the Java programming language.☆12,937Updated 2 weeks ago
- RxJava – Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for t…☆47,936Updated this week
- Feign makes writing java http clients easier☆9,525Updated this week
- 阿里云计算平台DataWorks( 团队出品,为监控而生的数据库连接池☆28,006Updated this week
- Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines pmd implements and IDE plugin☆30,499Updated 4 months ago
- Square’s meticulous HTTP client for the JVM, Android, and GraalVM.☆45,953Updated this week
- MyBatis SQL mapper framework for Java☆19,846Updated this week
- Free and Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine☆70,962Updated this week
- A high performance caching library for Java☆15,978Updated this week
- Socket.IO server implemented on Java. Realtime java framework☆6,846Updated last week
- Alibaba Java Diagnostic Tool Arthas/Alibaba Java诊断利器Arthas☆35,759Updated last week
- Code for Quartz Scheduler☆6,329Updated this week
- 👨🎓 Java Core Sprout : basic, concurrent, algorithm☆27,088Updated 6 months ago
- Main Portal page for the Jackson project☆9,162Updated last month
- A Java API for generating .java source files.☆10,834Updated last month
- A curated list of awesome frameworks, libraries and software for the Java programming language.☆42,118Updated 3 weeks ago
- Mybatis通用分页插件☆12,239Updated 2 months ago