fangyang921017 / vue-jsplumb-editor
☆240Updated 2 years ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for vue-jsplumb-editor:
Users that are interested in vue-jsplumb-editor are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- vue draggable workflow by jsplumb☆216Updated last year
- Draw a flow chart with vue and jsplumb☆140Updated last year
- vue-task-node 是一个基于Vue的任务节点图绘制插件(vue-task-node is a Vue based task node mapping plug-in)☆179Updated 2 years ago
- vue+g6 3.0实现的editor 由于g6-editor不开源 自己撸了一个☆810Updated last year
- 一款基于VUE的在线绘制流程图工具☆536Updated 2 years ago
- ☆114Updated last year
- flowchart的vue版本☆154Updated 5 years ago
-☆85Updated 2 years ago
- 大屏设计器,Bi设计器☆79Updated last year
- 基于VUE+JsPlumb的流程设计器☆816Updated 11 months ago
- A flowchart editor component base on Vue and G6, enjoy ~☆192Updated 2 years ago
- vue版流程图简易编辑器、简单易上手☆145Updated 7 months ago
- 🚀 LowCode平台,配套表单,表格设计器,一键Crud🚀☆259Updated last year
- Provide mxGraph sample programs under vue to help you get started quickly☆175Updated last year
- vue+element-ui+vuedraggable 实现拖拉拽动态表单设计,自动生成页面, 适用于OA(Design of drag-and-drop dynamic form)表单设计器 支持栅格布局☆192Updated 4 years ago
- 仿阿里G6-Editor的demo,开发成vue版本☆55Updated 2 years ago
- 一个可视化编辑器☆89Updated last year
- 在vue中使用 bpmn-js(进阶)☆219Updated last year
- 基于jsPlumb的画布流程组件,类似Visio☆39Updated 2 years ago
- Vue 表单生成器——动态生成表单组件☆261Updated last month
- g6 editor vue版☆48Updated 6 years ago
- 基于G6和VUE的可视化流程编辑工具☆7Updated last year
- 基于mxGraph+vue设计的流程图编辑器☆183Updated last year
- 组件拖拽之页面栅格化布局,vue、elementUI、vuedraggable可拖拽页面布局☆99Updated last year
- 基于Element UI和AntV G6实现的流程编辑器☆31Updated 4 years ago
- welabx - antv G6☆422Updated last year
- A visual graph editor based on G6 and Vue, inspired by GGEditor.☆213Updated 3 years ago
- vue 的 cron 组件,支持 UI /解析/反解析 cron 表达式,生成最近五次的符合条件时间☆255Updated last year
- 基于element-ui2.x扩展下拉树☆224Updated last year