fabioCollini / DaggerMock
A JUnit rule to easily override Dagger 2 objects
☆1,160Updated last year
Alternatives and similar repositories for DaggerMock:
Users that are interested in DaggerMock are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- Android Library for Logging RxJava Observables and Subscribers.☆1,474Updated 6 years ago
- Performance metrics library for Android development (includes dagger2metrics)☆1,539Updated 5 years ago
- A set of AssertJ helpers geared toward testing Android.☆1,577Updated 6 years ago
- Extras binding and intent builders for Android apps.☆1,186Updated 4 years ago
- HTTP Server for Android Instrumentation tests☆756Updated 2 years ago
- Example of Android project showing integration with Kotlin and Dagger 2☆534Updated 6 years ago
- Simple MVWhatever for Android☆702Updated last year
- RxJava types that are both an Observable and a Consumer.☆2,470Updated 3 years ago
- Auto-generate Parcelable implementations for Java and Kotlin☆500Updated 5 years ago
- A curated list of libraries to aid reactive development on Android☆535Updated 5 years ago
- Android Development Culture☆1,748Updated 2 years ago
- Library to convert between RxJava 1.x and 2.x/3.x reactive types, schedulers and resource handles.☆863Updated last year
- An RxJava transformer which combines replay(1), publish(), and refCount() operators.☆626Updated 2 years ago
- An Espresso IdlingResource for OkHttp.☆464Updated 3 years ago
- Example of Github API client implemented on top of Dagger 2 DI framework.☆1,206Updated 5 years ago
- Reactive SharedPreferences for Android☆1,538Updated last year
- A utility library for Android to save objects in a Bundle without any boilerplate.☆860Updated 5 years ago
- Android testing with Dagger 2, Espresso 2 and Mockito☆619Updated 4 years ago
- Constructor-inject views during XML layout inflation☆904Updated last year
- An IdlingResource for Espresso which wraps an RxJava Scheduler.☆512Updated last year
- Annotation Processor for setting arguments in android fragments☆1,076Updated 11 months ago
- An Android Parcelable extension for Google's AutoValue.☆655Updated last year
- An IntelliJ IDEA plugin for Dagger which provides insight into how injections and providers are used.☆794Updated 6 years ago
- A collection of samples demonstrating different Espresso techniques.☆635Updated 5 years ago
- Sample app using Android architecture components☆633Updated 4 years ago
- A scope tree based Dependency Injection (DI) library for Java / Kotlin / Android.☆1,123Updated 2 years ago
- a MVP library for Android favoring a stateful Presenter☆1,032Updated 3 years ago
- Android Parcelable models made easy☆1,372Updated 7 years ago
- Separating data and state handling from Fragments or Activities without lots of boilerplate-code.☆815Updated 5 years ago
- Dagger dependency graph generator for Android Developers☆1,149Updated last year