dyrkin / fsm
Finite State Machine for Go inspired by Akka FSM
☆62Updated 4 years ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for fsm:
Users that are interested in fsm are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- A JSON stream parser for Go☆67Updated 2 years ago
- Expression evaluator for Go☆67Updated 9 months ago
- 🚧 Flexible mechanism to make execution flow interruptible.☆102Updated 3 years ago
- a decision & trigger framework backed by Google's Common Expression Language☆64Updated 3 years ago
- Checks if there are any updates for imports in your module.☆39Updated this week
- GoLang extended synchronization primitives: Named mutex, non blocking mutex, semaphore.☆51Updated 8 years ago
- GenX: Generics For Go, Yet Again.☆36Updated 7 years ago
- A goroutine limiter for Go☆80Updated 2 years ago
- A go library that implements application/problem+json and application/problem+xml☆66Updated 10 months ago
- Go package for managing a set of lazily constructed, self-expiring, concurrency-limited worker pools and their data☆30Updated 2 years ago
- github.com/cznic/file has moved to modernc.org/file☆57Updated 6 years ago
- Some useful Go's protoc plugins.☆57Updated 6 years ago
- Go library for parsing Elasticsearch datemath expressions☆43Updated last year
- Go client library for Pilosa☆57Updated 2 years ago
- Decentralized, sequential, lexicographically sortable unique id☆83Updated 4 years ago
- A distributed service for monotonically increasing tickets.☆43Updated 4 years ago
- xxh3 fast hash function☆104Updated 5 years ago
- Radio is a library for creating RESP (REdis Serialization Protocol) comaptible services.☆31Updated 4 years ago
- A small library to measure latency of things.☆35Updated 7 years ago
- Generates automatically a Reset() method☆33Updated 7 years ago
- Consistent hashing hashring implementation.☆34Updated last year
- Embedded DB modeling Golang Collections which automatically split as they grow.☆34Updated 6 years ago
- Go implementation of the Open Packaging Conventions (OPC)☆75Updated last year
- Barebones subcommand handling☆60Updated 5 years ago
- Go implementation of different backoff strategies useful for retrying operations and heartbeating.☆85Updated 4 years ago
- Fast generation of 192-bit UUIDs☆84Updated last year
- Go Mod Repository, Go Vanity Server and Proxy Server☆85Updated 5 years ago
- A golang zero-allocation HTTP parser (and eventually http server)☆70Updated 10 years ago