digitalis-io / vals-operator
Kubernetes Operator to sync secrets between different secret backends and Kubernetes
☆157Updated this week
Alternatives and similar repositories for vals-operator:
Users that are interested in vals-operator are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- A kubectl plugin to visualize network policies rules.☆94Updated 9 months ago
- An admission controller service and kubectl plugin to handle container drift in K8s clusters☆124Updated 3 years ago
- The Helm Charts OCI Proxy, will proxy and transform Helm Chart into OCI images on the fly. Address any Helm Chart as OCI image.☆98Updated 2 months ago
- Creates PolicyReports based on the different Trivy Operator CRDs like VulnerabilityReports☆57Updated last week
- [alpha] Tool to evaluate upgrade confidence for Kubernetes cluster addons☆134Updated last week
- A pane of glass between you and your Kubernetes clusters.☆45Updated 11 months ago
- An Argo CD plugin to replace placeholders in Kubernetes manifests with secrets stored in Hashicorp Vault.☆107Updated this week
- Helm plugin that identifies the configuration that has drifted from the Helm chart☆68Updated this week
- A k8s controller that scales up and down namespaces on-demand with an embedded friendly UI and a Prometheus exporter. Inspired by kube-do…☆82Updated 9 months ago
- Enterprise Distribution for Flux CD☆63Updated this week
- Snapshot testing tool for Helm charts☆76Updated 3 weeks ago
- [alpha] Controller to override image sources in the event that an image cannot be pulled.☆115Updated 3 weeks ago
- A standalone exporter for vulnerability reports and other CRs created by Trivy Operator (formerly Starboard).☆59Updated this week
- A Helm chart templating CLI, kustomize plugin and containerized kustomize/kpt KRM function☆120Updated this week
- PVC Autoscaler is an open-source project aimed at providing autoscaling functionality to Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) in Kubernetes en…☆58Updated 5 months ago
- ☆40Updated this week
- A Terraform provider for Harbor. To configure and manage all aspects of your Harbor Container Registry with Terraform Infrastructure as C…☆118Updated this week
- The terraform controller manages the life cycles of a terraform resource, allowing developers to self-serve dependencies in a controlled …☆165Updated this week
- Contains documentation for projectsveltos☆62Updated this week
- An Argo CD extension to enable visualization of Trivy generated vulnerability reports in Argo CD UI.☆71Updated 7 months ago
- Safe and Controlled GitOps Promotion Across Environments/Failure-Domains☆64Updated this week
- Access portal for Kubernetes☆106Updated 3 weeks ago
- Scout for alarming issues across your Kubernetes clusters☆123Updated 3 years ago
- KubeStateWatch is a Statemonitor for k8s used to send notification with when and what exactly was changed to multiple channels☆57Updated 5 months ago
- Simple but still extremely powerful K9S alternative. An interactive `explain` command. Security scanning based on `trivy`. Supports multi…☆92Updated last month
- pod that scales down to zero☆114Updated 2 months ago
- A Kubernetes controller for automatically optimizing pod requests based on their continuous usage. VPA alternative that can work with HPA…☆201Updated 10 months ago
- Kubernetes operator for Hashicorp Vault☆66Updated this week
- Decomposes Helm package and visualizes hierarchy of subcharts and images☆48Updated last year
- Lock for K8s☆56Updated last year