csstools / postcss-normalize
Use the parts of normalize.css (or sanitize.css) you need from your browserslist
☆819Updated 2 months ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for postcss-normalize:
Users that are interested in postcss-normalize are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- Use Custom Properties in CSS☆595Updated 2 years ago
- PostCSS plugin that tries to fix all of flexbug's issues☆751Updated last year
- Convert modern CSS into something browsers understand☆2,217Updated last year
- Pack same CSS media query rules into one using PostCSS☆674Updated last year
- PostCSS plugin to unwrap nested rules like how Sass does it.☆1,170Updated this week
- A collection of SCSS specific linting rules for Stylelint☆867Updated this week
- Use Sass-like markup in your CSS☆1,609Updated 2 years ago
- The standard shareable config for Stylelint☆1,389Updated 2 weeks ago
- PostCSS plugin to keep rules and at-rules content in order.☆518Updated last month
- A BEM linter for postcss☆572Updated last year
- PostCSS plugin to inline at-import rules content☆1,379Updated this week
- PostCSS plugin to use CSS Modules everywhere☆1,596Updated 3 weeks ago
- A plugin pack of order related linting rules for Stylelint.☆915Updated 3 weeks ago
- ⚙ A stylelint config inspired by https://sass-guidelin.es/☆445Updated this week
- An asset manager for PostCSS☆537Updated 2 years ago
- Use Custom Media Queries in CSS, following the CSS Media Queries specification☆437Updated 2 years ago
- PostCSS plugin to transform W3C CSS color function to more compatible CSS☆325Updated 3 years ago
- SCSS parser for PostCSS.☆657Updated 4 months ago
- PostCSS plugin for Sass-like variables☆420Updated 4 months ago
- PostCSS plugin to add a collection of mixins, shortcuts, helpers and tools for your CSS☆325Updated last year
- CLI for postcss☆843Updated this week
- PostCSS plugin to transform CSS Custom Properties(CSS variables) syntax into a static representation☆542Updated last year
- Indent-based CSS syntax for PostCSS☆712Updated last week
- PostCSS plugin for mixins☆469Updated 2 months ago
- A simple polyfill that fetches external SVGs referenced in use elements when the browser itself fails to do so. Demo: https://icomoon.io/…☆744Updated 2 years ago
- A database of staged CSS features☆525Updated this week
- Pipe CSS through PostCSS processors with a single parse☆769Updated 9 months ago
- A Stylelint plugin for webpack☆426Updated last month
- Disallow features that aren't supported by your target browser audience.☆428Updated last month
- A webpack plugin that will extract critical CSS. Now supports Webpack v4.☆448Updated 4 years ago