craftypath / sops-operator
A Kubernetes operator for Mozilla SOPS
☆27Updated 10 months ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for sops-operator:
Users that are interested in sops-operator are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- An application that regularly scans all containers in a Kubernetes cluster for vulnerabilities☆50Updated last year
- A Helm plugin for validating Charts against the Kubernetes schemas☆103Updated last year
- Creates PolicyReports based on the different Trivy Operator CRDs like VulnerabilityReports☆57Updated last week
- Generate K8s RBAC policies based on e2e test runs☆28Updated 3 years ago
- ☆22Updated 8 months ago
- ☆27Updated 2 years ago
- ☆47Updated 2 years ago
- ☸️ kcleaner - a tool for your Kube config files☆32Updated 3 years ago
- KubeTrivyExporter is Prometheus Exporter that collects all vulnerabilities detected by aquasecurity/trivy in the kubernetes cluster.☆52Updated last year
- A Helm plugin for testing Helm Charts using Open Policy Agent☆64Updated 2 years ago
- Scripts to collect K8s objects yamls and check for depricated APIs☆31Updated 3 years ago
- A tool to handle the retagging of third party container images☆25Updated this week
- Plugin for Helm to integrate the sigstore ecosystem☆60Updated this week
- An admission controller service and kubectl plugin to handle container drift in K8s clusters☆124Updated 3 years ago
- Kubernetes Fury Distribution OPA Core Module: Policy enforcement for your Kubernetes Cluster☆38Updated last week
- Run kubectl commands against multiple clusters at once☆92Updated 6 months ago
- [alpha] Controller to override image sources in the event that an image cannot be pulled.☆115Updated 3 weeks ago
- Slack notifications for Weave Flux without Weave Cloud☆36Updated 2 years ago
- K8s controller to manage Hashicorp Vault Configuration☆14Updated 4 years ago
- Kubernetes job runner☆42Updated 4 years ago
- External secret management for Kubernetes.☆41Updated 4 years ago
- Kubernetes Job Cleaner☆44Updated 4 years ago
- AWS IAM Operator for Kubernetes☆33Updated 11 months ago
- K8s-shredder - an opinionated way of parking in Kubernetes☆75Updated this week
- A Kubernetes operator creating K8s resources by annotating namespaces☆50Updated 3 years ago
- A Kubernetes operator for creating isolated environments☆37Updated 4 years ago
- Automated Terraform cloud and enterprise drift detection☆37Updated 7 months ago
- AWS Kubernetes Node Terminator☆21Updated last year
- Manage existing infrastructure with Cluster API using this provider.☆45Updated 2 years ago
- [EXPERIMENTAL] Kubernetes Operator for Image Assurance☆20Updated 4 years ago