cheonhyangzhang / paper-tags-input
Polymer element for tags input.
☆19Updated 5 years ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for paper-tags-input:
Users that are interested in paper-tags-input are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- A small Polymer element that represents a complex entity such as a calendar event or a contact.☆67Updated 6 years ago
- Polymer element for typeahead input.☆21Updated 7 years ago
- A what-you-see-is-what-you-get editor created with Polymer☆85Updated 5 years ago
- A Material design multi-progress bar collection, inspired by Google Fit and made with Polymer.☆39Updated 8 years ago
- [Polymer 1.x] Element that enables switching between different pages by swiping gesture.☆49Updated 6 years ago
- Material design time picker component for polymer☆89Updated 6 years ago
- Web Component for Input autocomplete chips based on Polymer Paper Elements☆19Updated 7 years ago
- Polymer elements for adding morphing and speed dial transitions to floating action buttons☆49Updated 8 years ago
- A Material Design search bar (Polymer)☆51Updated 6 years ago
- Full-screen paper dialog with header bar and actions at the top☆18Updated 8 years ago
- A Material Design toggle button☆27Updated last year
- Iron Grid - A Responsive Grid System for Polymer☆67Updated 6 years ago
- ☆21Updated last year
- Display progress through a sequence by breaking it up into multiple logical and numbered steps.☆78Updated 7 years ago
- Web component element for the Geolocation API☆86Updated 6 years ago
- Simple content switcher☆48Updated last year
- A Material Design chip☆15Updated 4 years ago
- Core elements☆47Updated 6 years ago
- Polymer behaviour to help internationalize your application☆48Updated last year
- Material design date picker component for polymer☆225Updated 6 years ago
- A color picker with all the Material Design colours☆39Updated last year
- A swipeable element built with Polymer 1.2☆30Updated 8 years ago
- An element that allows composing a trigger and content as a dropdown menu.☆24Updated last year
- Polymer wrapper of dragula drag and drop library☆35Updated 5 years ago
- Polymer element for displaying slides in a carousel☆52Updated 6 years ago
- Build themes for your polymer app!☆14Updated 8 years ago
- A Material Design browser select element☆61Updated last year
- A polymer element for using ajax to upload files☆56Updated 6 years ago
- Lazy-load content and lazy-register pages to reduce the first load time☆94Updated 5 years ago