cabellwg / exit-vim
Vim plugin that exits Vim on startup
☆191Updated 3 years ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for exit-vim:
Users that are interested in exit-vim are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- Fibonacci Indentation for Vim.☆279Updated 6 years ago
- My initial attempt at trying to order pizza from within vim.☆467Updated 2 years ago
- Bach's prelude in C major from WTC book I, written in pure sed☆3Updated 4 years ago
- An implementation of a Turing machine using only normal mode Vim commands☆152Updated 4 years ago
- Vim syntax for i3 window manager config☆182Updated 6 years ago
- A WeeChat script that adds vi-like modes, commands and keybindings.☆266Updated last year
- A dark, medium contrast vim colorscheme inspired by apprentice and two-firewatch☆87Updated last year
- A highly extensible window manager for nvim/vim!☆107Updated 5 years ago
- latex live preview - plugin for neovim and vim 8☆177Updated 6 years ago
- i3lock with transparent blurring background☆93Updated 2 years ago
- Personal copy of i3lock that displays a 12-hour clock and always shows unlock indicator.☆205Updated 4 years ago
- Order bash to do things by shouting.☆157Updated 5 years ago
-☆221Updated 2 years ago
- Simple image glitcher suitable for producing nice looking lockscreens☆358Updated last year
- Focus and select windows in i3☆172Updated last year
- A different approach to code highlighting.☆426Updated 2 years ago
- Web interface for pywal☆36Updated 6 years ago
- A vim plugin to access your Jira workspace directly from Vim☆139Updated 4 years ago
- not so simple opengl based X display locker utility☆197Updated 5 years ago
- A termite installation script for Ubuntu users (and other Ubuntu-based distributions)☆197Updated 5 years ago
- A Vim color scheme for 16-color terminals☆205Updated 7 years ago
- Vim syntax highlighting for i3 config☆163Updated 4 months ago
- A minimal dark theme for VIM.☆132Updated 11 months ago
- A vim typewriter☆38Updated last year
- An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Termite color theme.☆103Updated last year
- Boost your "productivity" to the max! A fun project made for slackers by slackers.☆200Updated 6 years ago
- ☆118Updated 10 months ago
- Vim plugin to suggest better movements☆290Updated 2 years ago
- To each context its own shell color☆129Updated 7 months ago