bnu-wangxun / Deep_Metric
Deep Metric Learning
☆780Updated 4 years ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for Deep_Metric:
Users that are interested in Deep_Metric are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- PyTorch Implementation for Deep Metric Learning Pipelines☆570Updated 4 years ago
- MS-Loss: Multi-Similarity Loss for Deep Metric Learning☆493Updated last year
- Pytorch implementation for "Large-Scale Long-Tailed Recognition in an Open World" (CVPR 2019 ORAL)☆850Updated 2 years ago
- (ICML 2020) This repo contains code for our paper "Revisiting Training Strategies and Generalization Performance in Deep Metric Learning"…☆341Updated 2 years ago
- Unsupervised Feature Learning via Non-parametric Instance Discrimination☆751Updated 3 years ago
- Pytorch implementation of Center Loss☆972Updated last year
- The official PyTorch implementation of paper BBN: Bilateral-Branch Network with Cumulative Learning for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition☆662Updated 2 years ago
- Implementation of the mixup training method☆464Updated 6 years ago
- A library for ML benchmarking. It's powerful.☆432Updated 11 months ago
- Pytorch implementation of the paper "Class-Balanced Loss Based on Effective Number of Samples"☆788Updated 9 months ago
- This repository contains code for the paper "Decoupling Representation and Classifier for Long-Tailed Recognition", published at ICLR 202…☆951Updated 3 years ago
- PyTorch code for softmax variants: center loss, cosface loss, large-margin gaussian mixture, COCOLoss, ring loss☆253Updated 6 years ago
- ☆375Updated 5 years ago
- Class-Balanced Loss Based on Effective Number of Samples. CVPR 2019☆603Updated 3 years ago
- Pytorch implementation of the paper "Circle Loss: A Unified Perspective of Pair Similarity Optimization"☆457Updated 4 years ago
- ☆519Updated 3 years ago
- XBM: Cross-Batch Memory for Embedding Learning☆307Updated last year
- A curated list of long-tailed recognition resources.☆585Updated last year
- PyTorch Implementation for SoftTriple Loss☆203Updated 4 months ago
- Scaling and Benchmarking Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning☆587Updated 3 years ago
- Code for Unsupervised Embedding Learning via Invariant and Spreading Instance Feature☆209Updated 5 years ago
- A PyTorch implementation of center loss on MNIST☆360Updated 6 years ago
- source code to ICLR'19, 'A Closer Look at Few-shot Classification'☆1,131Updated 3 years ago
- [arXiv 2019] "Contrastive Multiview Coding", also contains implementations for MoCo and InstDis☆1,309Updated 4 years ago
- Official PyTorch Implementation of Proxy Anchor Loss for Deep Metric Learning, CVPR 2020☆316Updated 2 years ago
- [NeurIPS 2020] This project provides a strong single-stage baseline for Long-Tailed Classification, Detection, and Instance Segmentation …☆560Updated 4 months ago
- A PyTorch framework for an image retrieval task including implementation of N-pair Loss (NIPS 2016) and Angular Loss (ICCV 2017).☆276Updated 4 months ago
- a pytorch lib with state-of-the-art architectures, pretrained models and real-time updated results☆860Updated 4 years ago
- A curated list of resources about few-shot and one-shot learning☆282Updated 5 years ago