blazegraph / blazegraph-samples
Blazegraph Samples with Sesame, Blueprints, and RDR
☆68Updated 4 years ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for blazegraph-samples:
Users that are interested in blazegraph-samples are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- Visual representation of RDF☆107Updated 5 years ago
- A collection of utilities for use with OpenRDF Sesame (as of recently, Eclipse RDF4J)☆50Updated 3 years ago
- UMBEL (Upper Mapping and Binding Exchange Layer)☆101Updated last year
- Blazegraph Tinkerpop3 Implementation☆61Updated 4 years ago
- An RDF plugin for Solr☆114Updated 3 years ago
- Examples for working with and extending Stardog☆76Updated 3 months ago
- Gremlinator: An effort towards converting SPARQL queries to Gremlin Graph Pattern Matching Traversals☆88Updated 3 years ago
- Generate High Quality Linked Data from multiple originally (semi-)structured data (legacy)☆52Updated 6 years ago
- ☆71Updated 6 years ago
- A collection of tools and Java libraries to process RDF* data and SPARQL* queries.☆70Updated 2 years ago
- The OpenLink Structured Data Editor enables editing of RDF documents (in TURTLE notation) stored in a variety of HTTP accessible document…☆105Updated 2 years ago
- HDT Java library and tools.☆94Updated 9 months ago
- A Linked Data frontend for SPARQL endpoints☆89Updated 6 years ago
- RDF store on a cloud-based architecture (previously on☆31Updated 8 years ago
- Mobi is a decentralized, federated, and distributed graph data platform for teams and communities to publish and discover data, data mode…☆46Updated 3 weeks ago
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- SANSA Machine Learning Layer☆39Updated 4 years ago
- importing Thomson Reuters' permID dataset into Neo4j☆19Updated 6 years ago
- Sparql -> SQL Rewriter enabling virtual RDB -> RDF mappings☆124Updated 2 months ago
- Efficient Distributed Evaluation of SPARQL with Apache Spark☆32Updated 3 years ago
- spark-sparql-connector☆17Updated 8 years ago
- Ontology-driven Linked Data processor and server for SPARQL backends. Apache License.☆58Updated last year
- A collection of Jena-extensions for hiding SPARQL-complexity from the application layer☆57Updated 2 years ago
- Halyard is an extremely horizontally scalable Triplestore with support for Named Graphs, designed for integration of extremely large Sema…☆106Updated last year
- ☆16Updated 3 years ago
- A tool for supervised Machine Learning in OWL and Description Logics☆152Updated last year
- Automatic tagging and analysis of documents in an Apache Solr index for faceted search by RDF(S) Ontologies & SKOS thesauri☆46Updated 2 years ago
- SPARQL for Tables: Turn CSV into RDF using SPARQL syntax☆194Updated last year
- Mirror of Apache Rya☆110Updated last year