bgavran / Category_Theory_Machine_Learning
List of papers studying machine learning through the lens of category theory
☆1,299Updated 2 months ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for Category_Theory_Machine_Learning:
Users that are interested in Category_Theory_Machine_Learning are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- List of resources for learning Category Theory☆232Updated 3 weeks ago
- ☆369Updated 3 years ago
- Lecture notes for a course on writing proofs, on paper and in the Lean proof assistant☆209Updated last week
- A curated list of topological deep learning (TDL) resources and links.☆223Updated 2 weeks ago
- A framework for applied category theory in the Julia language☆621Updated this week
- The collected works of F. W. Lawvere☆326Updated 3 months ago
- Research language for array processing in the Haskell/ML family☆1,595Updated last week
- A curated list of awesome Category Theory resources.☆100Updated 9 months ago
- The Python toolkit for computing with string diagrams.☆352Updated 2 weeks ago
- LLMs as Copilots for Theorem Proving in Lean☆1,008Updated last month
- Curated list of interactive ML demos☆340Updated last year
- Resources for learning Category Theory for an enthusiast☆608Updated last year
- Tensors and neural networks in Haskell☆1,083Updated this week
- JAX - A curated list of resources☆1,599Updated 5 months ago
- A Graph Neural Network Library in Jax☆1,380Updated 8 months ago
- A JAX research toolkit for building, editing, and visualizing neural networks.☆1,697Updated this week
- amateur translation project of Grothendieck's EGA.☆334Updated 2 months ago
- Tensor Network Library with Autograd☆150Updated last month
- List of papers and other resources at the intersection of Category Theory and NLP.☆50Updated last year
- In the tradition of "awesome" (curated) lists, this is a list of references and code for doing deep learning in Haskell.☆294Updated 3 years ago
- Tool for data extraction and interacting with Lean programmatically.☆586Updated last week
- Site web of the Mathematical Tours☆492Updated last week
- ☆461Updated 2 weeks ago
- Elegant easy-to-use neural networks + scientific computing in JAX.☆2,156Updated last week
- Scientific computing in Lean 4☆342Updated last week
- a categorical deep learning compiler☆110Updated 7 months ago
- papers of Per Martin Löf☆759Updated 10 months ago
- ☆169Updated last year
- blueprint for prime number theorem and more☆141Updated this week
- Lean theorem proving interface which feels like pen-and-paper proofs.☆372Updated last month