baidu / bfs
The Baidu File System.
☆2,853Updated 6 years ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for bfs:
Users that are interested in bfs are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- An Internet-Scale Database.☆1,890Updated 5 months ago
- A high availability MySQL cluster that guarantees data consistency between a master and slaves.☆2,466Updated 5 years ago
- A high-availability, high-throughput and highly reliable distributed queue based on the Paxos algorithm.☆1,902Updated last year
- A light-weight RPC implement of google protobuf RPC framework.☆2,132Updated last year
- PaxosStore has been deployed in WeChat production for more than two years, providing storage services for the core businesses of WeChat b…☆1,683Updated 4 years ago
- An industrial-grade C++ implementation of RAFT consensus algorithm based on brpc, widely used inside Baidu to build highly-available dis…☆3,990Updated last month
- The Paxos library implemented in C++ that has been used in the WeChat production environment.☆3,360Updated 11 months ago
- TFS (Taobao File System) is a distributed file system similar to GFS.☆1,240Updated 7 years ago
- Mass Service Engine in Cluster(MSEC) is opened source by QQ team from Tencent. It is a backend DEV &OPS engine, including RPC,name findin…☆2,746Updated 5 years ago
- archived | ApsaraCache is a Redis branch originated from Alibaba Group.☆937Updated 9 months ago
- Fastsocket is a highly scalable socket and its underlying networking implementation of Linux kernel. With the straight linear scalability…☆3,756Updated 6 years ago
- NoSQL data store using the SEASTAR framework, compatible with Redis☆1,316Updated 5 years ago
- High performance server-side application framework☆8,411Updated this week
- Pika is a Redis-Compatible database developed by Qihoo's infrastructure team.☆5,910Updated last week
- Facebook's branch of the Oracle MySQL database. This includes MyRocks.☆2,494Updated last week
- libco is a coroutine library which is widely used in wechat back-end service. It has been running on tens of thousands of machines since…☆8,341Updated 8 months ago
- A distributed key-value storage system developed by Alibaba Group☆2,193Updated 5 years ago
- Beringei is a high performance, in-memory storage engine for time series data.☆3,170Updated 6 years ago
- AliSQL is a MySQL branch originated from Alibaba Group. Fetch document from Release Notes at bottom.☆4,711Updated 8 months ago
- A high performance replicated log service. (The development is moved to Apache Incubator)☆2,221Updated 4 years ago
- Build a distributed SQL database from the ground up☆2,150Updated 2 years ago
- WiredTiger's source tree☆2,226Updated this week
- Distributed storage for sequential data☆1,899Updated 3 years ago
- Facebook's branch of Apache Thrift, including a new C++ server.☆2,585Updated this week
- A distribution of Linux Virtual Server with some advanced features. It introduces a new packet forwarding method - FULLNAT other than NAT…☆2,008Updated 5 years ago
- An online request replication and TCP stream replay tool, ideal for real testing, performance testing, stability testing, stress testing,…☆4,520Updated last month
- brpc is an Industrial-grade RPC framework using C++ Language, which is often used in high performance system such as Search, Storage, Mac…☆16,567Updated this week
- A TCP performance profiling tool.☆1,846Updated 7 years ago
- F-Stack is an user space network development kit with high performance based on DPDK, FreeBSD TCP/IP stack and coroutine API.☆3,877Updated last week