akymos / ff
ff is a command-line tool to manage favorite folders, creating an alias, to be used via shell directly with the cd command.
☆11Updated last year
Alternatives and similar repositories for ff:
Users that are interested in ff are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- General purpose file picker combining "find" command with a fuzzy finder.☆13Updated 9 months ago
- CLI for artistic image manipulation.☆12Updated 4 years ago
- search for processes and print top(1)-like status☆13Updated 8 months ago
- jf %q "JSON Formatted"☆30Updated last year
- Share your clipboard across multiple machines.☆14Updated 4 months ago
- inklayers is a command line program that exports layers from an SVG file. It can be used to create slide shows by editing a single SVG fi…☆12Updated 2 years ago
- A zsh plugin for default folder behavior☆11Updated 2 years ago
- A package manager that uses curses to provide a friendly UI☆11Updated last year
- ☆18Updated last year
- Utility to auto-adjust the brightness of i3wm workspaces☆12Updated last year
- POSIX sh formatter and client for tldr pages☆12Updated last year
- This is a bash written script to align stdoutput to terminal center☆18Updated 6 months ago
- 🖵 TUI for managing screens☆20Updated 5 months ago
- Turn websites into desktop applications☆20Updated 2 years ago
- CLI for managing notes☆9Updated 4 years ago
- ☆16Updated last year
- Execute any command, cache its output and get cached output on subsequent execution☆17Updated 8 months ago
- a CI-ready shell language syntax checker☆23Updated 2 weeks ago
- The `sleep` Unix utility, complete with a progressbar.☆13Updated 3 years ago
- bash loop to run tasks in the background. used as an anacron alternative☆11Updated last month
- Use fzf with a config file + others goodies☆12Updated 2 years ago
- static git page generator☆13Updated 8 months ago
- The real screensaver/lock for terminals☆19Updated 2 weeks ago
- CLI Tool for tagging and organizing files by tags.☆41Updated 2 years ago
- Compact application for creating text menus with executable entries. Use it to build straightforward static shortcut menus or dynamically…☆29Updated 10 months ago
- The no-nonsense task killer for your terminal.☆14Updated 3 months ago
- A tool to write a commit message☆11Updated last year
- Create modern and easy to-do lists in CLI, add importance to to-do's, simply indicate that they are completed and finalize as many lists …☆12Updated 4 years ago
- Zsh widget to toggle a prefix on a command☆21Updated last year
- A pager program like less☆26Updated last year