Z-Siqi / Clash-for-Windows_Chinese
clash for windows汉化版. 提供clash for windows的汉化版, 汉化补丁及汉化版安装程序
☆21,710Updated this week
Alternatives and similar repositories for Clash-for-Windows_Chinese:
Users that are interested in Clash-for-Windows_Chinese are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- A Clash GUI based on tauri. Supports Windows, macOS and Linux.☆21,466Updated last year
- 🦄️ 🎃 👻 Clash Premium 规则集(RULE-SET),兼容 ClashX Pro、Clash for Windows 等基于 Clash Premium 内核的客户端。☆19,332Updated this week
- Continuation of Clash Verge - A Clash Meta GUI based on Tauri (Windows, MacOS, Linux)☆40,278Updated this week
- A simple Python Pydantic model for Honkai: Star Rail parsed data from the Mihomo API.☆16,962Updated this week
- A rule-based tunnel for Android.☆16,402Updated this week
- A clash client for Windows, support Mihomo☆4,849Updated 5 months ago
- A GUI client for Windows and Linux, support Xray core and others☆70,604Updated this week
- A Clash Client For OpenWrt☆17,764Updated this week
- Utility to convert between various subscription format☆13,396Updated this week
- 🦄 🎃 👻 V2Ray 路由规则文件加强版,可代替 V2Ray 官方 geoip.dat 和 geosite.dat,适用于 V2Ray、Xray-core、mihomo(Clash-Meta)、hysteria、Trojan-Go 和 leaf。Enhanced e…☆15,287Updated this week
- clash节点、免费clash节点、免费节点、免费梯子、clash科学上网、clash翻墙、clash订阅链接、clash for Windows、clash教程、免费公益节点、最新clash免费节点订阅地址、clash免费节点每日更新☆9,180Updated this week
- ☆30,286Updated 2 weeks ago
- 🌩「自选优选 IP」测试 Cloudflare CDN 延迟和速度,获取最快 IP !当然也支持其他 CDN / 网站 IP ~☆20,009Updated last month
- 🛠「Watt Toolkit」是一个开源跨平台的多功能 Steam 工具箱。☆20,437Updated this week
- Clash Nyanpasu~(∠・ω< )⌒☆☆9,600Updated this week
- A V2Ray client for Android, support Xray core and v2fly core☆36,428Updated this week
- ✈️ 免费机场 / 免费VPN -> 自动获取免 clash/v2ray/trojan/sr/ssr 订阅链接,间隔12小时持续更新 | 科学上网 | 翻墙☆7,025Updated this week
- ☆5,767Updated last week
- 哔哩下载姬downkyi,哔哩哔哩网站视频下载工具,支持批量下载,支持8K、HDR、杜比视界,提供工具箱(音视频提取、去水印等)。☆21,316Updated last month
- 基于无障碍,高级选择器,订阅规则的自定义屏幕点击 Android 应用 | An Android APP with custom screen tapping based on Accessibility, Advanced Selectors, and Subscript…☆22,639Updated this week
- 🚀 免费订阅地址,🚀 免费节点,🚀 6小时更新一次,共享节点,节点质量高可用,完全免费。免费clash订阅地址,免费翻墙、免费科学上网、免费梯子、免费ss/v2ray/trojan节点、谷歌商店、翻墙梯子。🚀 Free subscription address, �…☆12,453Updated this week
- A simple proxy client☆16,466Updated 5 months ago
- 强大的哔哩哔哩增强脚本☆23,661Updated 2 weeks ago
- 提供多款 Shadowrocket 规则,拥有强劲的广告过滤功能。每日 8 时重新构建规则。☆13,186Updated this week
- 最好用的 V2Ray 一键安装脚本 & 管理脚本☆24,828Updated 2 months ago
- one for all free music in china (Windows, Mac, Linux desktop)☆10,130Updated 8 months ago