WebReflection / domtagger
The hyperHTML's template literal parser
☆43Updated last year
Alternatives and similar repositories for domtagger:
Users that are interested in domtagger are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- A MutationObserver like API for CSS selectors.☆32Updated 4 years ago
- Enables `connected` and `disconnected` element's listeners.☆38Updated 4 years ago
- A zero friction custom elements like primitive.☆65Updated 2 years ago
- Same as augmentor but with DOM oriented useEffect handling via dropEffect.☆59Updated 4 years ago
- Custom Elements made available for any node, and through CSS selectors☆91Updated 3 years ago
- Isomorphic Hacker News☆47Updated 3 years ago
- 🔥 heresy 🔥 Server Side Rendering☆88Updated 3 years ago
- A Minimalistic Custom Elements Helper.☆54Updated last year
- Destructured types for any JS env.☆19Updated 4 years ago
- An SSR HTML content generator.☆61Updated 4 years ago
- A collection of snippets to put in your header.☆40Updated 5 years ago
- The 🔥 heresy 🔥 version of the famous TodoMVC☆16Updated 5 years ago
- Lazy loading Custom Elements and their styles without even thinking about it.☆40Updated 5 years ago
- A NodeJS based, standard oriented, HTML implementation.☆126Updated 3 years ago
- A µland based experiment☆18Updated 3 years ago
- A general purpose utility to allow interpolation values as static parts of a template literal tag.☆22Updated last year
- Transform a generic string into parameters suitable for template literals functions tags.☆30Updated 4 years ago
- ES2015 to CommonJS import/export transformer☆59Updated last year
- A fast and lightweight Map based LRU implementation.☆21Updated 4 years ago
- A Custom Element that delivers masonry grid layout to most common browsers.☆20Updated 4 years ago
- A gzip/deflate compressor based on De/CompressionStream buffers and base64☆19Updated 4 years ago
- wickedElements 🧙 with render hooks☆49Updated 3 years ago
- A basic JS module bootstrap☆26Updated last year
- A type safe JS runtime☆19Updated 4 years ago
- A minimalistic boilerplate to wait for Custom Elements, or libraries, definition☆19Updated 4 years ago
- Express like routing as Custom Element or standalone☆53Updated 4 years ago
- A 25 LOC utility to define and create records via objects literals.☆15Updated 4 years ago
- A WHATWG Proposal☆21Updated 5 years ago
- Author web components, declaratively☆35Updated 7 years ago
- A template literal based ESX proposal☆50Updated 4 months ago