NetEase / tango
A code driven low-code builder, develop low-code app on your codebase.
☆2,189Updated 2 months ago
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- 🧩 Make everything designable 🧩☆3,298Updated last year
- VTable is not just a high-performance multidimensional data analysis table, but also a grid artist that creates art between rows and colu…☆1,814Updated this week
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- A module federation SDK which is unrelated to tool chain for module consumer. 工具链无关的运行时模块联邦sdk.☆988Updated last month
- PagePlug是 Appsmith 的中国化项目,基于Appsmith做了整体性能的优化及汉化,也集合了特色表单解决方案Formily组件、图表解决 方案Echarts组件、低代码小程序开发等,是面向研发使用的一个开源的、声明式的前后端一体低代码Lowcode,项目逻辑主要…☆1,542Updated this week
- ⚡️ A practical visualization library for tabular analysis.☆1,497Updated this week
- Browser-native component library, framework-agnostic, base on web components.(H5 UI 组件库,无框架,即插即用。)☆1,907Updated 2 months ago
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- 🛠 [Beta] 面向研发的低代码元编程,代码可视编辑,辅助编码工具 The coding tools which is visual code editing, auxiliary and Low-code metaprogramming for R&D☆4,035Updated 10 months ago
- 快速高效搭建可视化拖拽平台☆2,344Updated 6 months ago
- ☆4,242Updated this week
- Generate pages from any sketch or images.☆1,853Updated last year
- 👀 一款轻量级的收集页面的用户点击行为、路由跳转、接口报错、代码报错、页面性能并上报服务端的SDK☆1,866Updated 6 months ago
- 🚀 A framework helps you quickly build AI Native IDE products.☆3,010Updated this week
- 🎉场景化低代码(LowCode)搭建工作台,实时输出源代码☆3,119Updated 3 months ago
- A comprehensive React UI components library based on Arco Design☆4,978Updated this week
- 低代码框架,支持流式布局与自由布局拖拽编排,可视化拖拽、随意嵌套组合、实时渲染、实时辅助线展示、自由布局支持辅助对齐、支持自动吸附、实时组件间距展示、实时拖拽排序、状态域管理,可视化属性配置、可视化样式配置、多设备适配展示,支持逻辑渲染、模板字符变量、表达式、自定义方法、自…☆5,108Updated last year
- 🚀A modern, comprehensive, flexible design system and React UI library. 🎨 Provide more than 3000+ Design Tokens, easy to build your desi…☆8,540Updated this week
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- Enterprise Design System☆3,216Updated this week
- rich text editor by canvas/svg☆3,727Updated this week
- React component for building interactive diagrams.☆600Updated last week
- A simple, efficient and powerful micro front-end framework. 一款简约、高效、功能强大的微前端框架☆5,651Updated this week