NativeScript / sample-ng-todomvc
Angular2 + NativeScript TodoMVC example
☆115Updated 5 years ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for sample-ng-todomvc:
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- Ionic boilerplate to create cross platform apps (ios, android, mobile, web and desktop). Written in TypeScript and Powered by Webpack!☆70Updated 8 years ago
- TodoMVC: React setState/Immutable data pattern done in Angular2☆39Updated 9 years ago
- ☆47Updated 8 years ago
- Conference app written in TypeScript and Ran by Webpack☆63Updated 8 years ago
- (DEPRECATED)☆23Updated 7 years ago
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- A demo app using Angular 2 and TypeScript☆31Updated 9 years ago
- Demo application built with Angular 2☆30Updated 9 years ago
- Just an Angular2 demo. Not meant for actual use.☆76Updated 9 years ago
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- A simple TV app for learning angular 2+☆127Updated 4 years ago
- ☆82Updated 8 years ago
- A simple AngularJS 1.4 boilerplate using ES6, material design and webpack☆120Updated 8 years ago
- DEPRECATED -- See☆64Updated 6 years ago
- Challenges to help you learn and understand the evolving Angular2 Framework.☆68Updated 9 years ago
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